Spring 2014 Manifestos
Here are the manifestos for the accepted candidates in the Spring Elections 2014.

If you’re unsatisfied with the promises and rhetoric contained in each candidates’ wonderful prose, you’ll luckily have the chance to grill them in person at one of the two Heckling/Hustings Meetings.
Choose a candidate below to see the manifesto:
Adela Piontek
My name is Adela Piontek and I am running for the Adam Smith Business School Student Representative.
Taking both Economics and Business courses I have noticed many shortcomings of current communication situation between staff and students, so I decided to try and do something about it!
Key issues I would like to work on include:
- Poor feedback on coursework
- Transparency of marking criteria
- General communication channels between staff and students
I will also make sure that every single voice, no matter how quiet, is heard.
I am currently a Student Representative for my Spanish course and I have been Student Body Representative for both my High School and 1349 IB World School.
I believe that my 1st-year-student perspective allows me to bring in a fresh look on things and my previous experience with different needs of student body in several organisations allows me to bring in some interesting ideas into solving of existing issues. I also love
Jan Vlcek
Hi, my name is Jan, I am studying business and management and I am aspiring to become your next Business School Representative.
In recent rector elections, the majority of students expressed the opinion that we can speak for ourselves. Taking part in raising our voice is the reason why I am standing in these elections.
I have represented my former class for four years which helped me to develop the leadership and organizational skills necessary to be a good representative. I also realize how important the role of class representatives is and I promise to be easily accessible to all matters raised both through them and directly to me.
Being an experienced debater and public speaker I would make sure that student’s concerns and proposals are taken seriously.
If elected, I am going to address the following:
- Quality of feedback on essays which have been widely perceived as insufficient
- Recording of lectures would make it much easier to catch up for students who for serious reasons are unable to attend
- Provide students with more opportunities to get practical experience
With your support, I am going to work hard to improve our Business School experience at all levels.
Matthew Clark
For many years our school has not transferred from one working SRC Representative to another. Electing me successor to Marvin Karrasch would see this happen. I promise existing work and issues will be properly handed over and continued.
I’ve got the skills to run with this, for you, from day one: as a former SRC councillor (Disability Equality Officer 2012-13), who partook in and has kept up with developments in the lecture recording debate; while continuing to gain experience and achievement in university bodies, from the busy Disability Equality Group committee to ELIR.
My goals while in office would be:
- To ensure continuity of work in the post;
- Challenge the Business School to be a leading academic unit in adopting lecture recording, to match its leading international reputation;
- Strengthen our community and social capital, using communication channels to collaborate with other key stakeholders – including Class Representatives and our host of great student societies.
I am Matthew Clark, enjoying honours Business Management more everyday, wanting and ready to represent our school. When you think business, please vote Matthew #1 Business School Representative.
Thank you!
Dominyka Bacanskaite
I’m Domi (short for Dominyka), a 2nd year psychology and sociology student. I believe that activities we take part in outside of our lectures are a vital element of student experience and also something that our University can be proud of. Therefore I want to ensure that any problems that societies encounter are addressed and solved!
I am a board member of GU Amnesty International, and a previous committee member of the French Society. This has provided me insight into how societies work and what help is needed. I’m also on the International Women’s Week planning committee, and hopefully we will set an example of how societies can collaborate to present exciting events to the public and fundraise for good causes.
If elected I will:
- Work together with VP Student Activities to lobby for more funding available for clubs and societies;
- Encourage greater involvement of societies with raising and giving activities and other events organised by the SRC;
- Promote communication and teamwork between different societies;
- Support student media outlets;
- Further inclusion of all students and bring more attention to the Refreshers’ Fair;
- Provide advice for established societies, and organise training for committee members of the new ones.
Iain French
Hiya I’m Iain French; I’m a second year Public Policy, Politics and Theatre Studies student. So far at university I have gotten involved with one of the largest societies, GULGBTQ+. I’m currently serving as VP Secretary of LGBTQ+ and hope to run for President next year. My experience on the executive of GULGBTQ+ has taught me what it takes to run a society and the problems you can come across, and how to best solve them. This position would give me the opportunity to make a difference and get involved more in societies and see how the SRC can help them. Furthermore, I have some interesting fundraising ideas which I would like to try out next year. If elected I will:
- Ensure that societies have the support they require – through SRC and union affiliation
- Encourage people to take an active interest in the many clubs and societies on campus
- Encourage societies to make use of campus media to promote their events
- Encourage as many clubs and societies to get more involved in SRC events like Welfare week, VCS awards and RAG week
- Build on and continue the work of previous CCSO’s.
- Organise fundraisers for a variety of different charitable causes
Rian Devlin
My name is Rian Devlin and I am a second year History and Theology student. I am also an avid swimmer, novice debater and past president of GULGBTQ+, one of the largest and most active student associations on campus.
As past president of a society, I understand the relationship the SRC has with clubs and societies. GULGBTQ+ has been active in using the benefits offered with SRC affiliation, and I will ensure that all clubs and societies are aware of the support available, particularly the financial aid that is offered by the SRC.
My experience has also allowed me to acknowledge and understand the many difficulties that clubs and societies face on a daily basis.
If elected I will:
- Campaign with the VP Student Activities to increase the funding available for clubs and societies.
- Encourage more involvement in RAG week and give the charities at GU more publicity.
- Review the room booking system on campus.
- Implement voluntary skills sessions for board members of clubs and societies.
- Expand on Freshers’ and Refreshers’ week, making them more widespread and targeted.
- Work with the Age Equality officer to encourage clubs and societies to host more events for a range of different age groups.
Luke Evans
Hi my name is Luke, I am a first year Community Development student and I am running to be your environmental officer.
Over the past year, I have worked for GUEST, Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team, engaging students and staff about their energy usage and impact- running interactive workshops, environmental audits and conducting reports on energy wastage.
I have also been a dedicated committee member of Glasgow University Climate Action Society. Throughout the entirety of my university career, I have been campaigning for the University to divest from the fossil fuel industry.
If Elected
- I will seek to increase links, publicity and co-operation between students, SRC and with the environmental organisations on campus- GUEST, GUCA, food co-op and community led projects
- I will push for the creation of a green/left activist hub for organisations to use as a space for networking and growth
- I will continue to campaign for the University to divest from the Fossil Fuel industry and for ethical procurement to become a core policy for the university
- I will support, strengthen and publicise GUEST’s green careers fair to inform students about green careers options and promote an environmentally sustainable future for students
Vote for me!
Hannah Gower
Hi, I’m Hannah Gower, the SRC School of Medicine Rep, Dialectic Society President & Medic. I want to see students feel empowered to engage, discuss and change campus to become one where discrimination and gender roles no longer hinder students to achieve their full potential.
- SRC experience as a Rep and Learning & Teaching Committee & Library Committee member
- Completed Equality & Diversity training
- Extensive engagement with the student body through various clubs & societies
- initiated this year’s IWW and engaged a societies to collobrate
- experience in leadership, communication and strategical planning.
- passionately dedicated to gender equality and encouraging students to get involved
- Hosting of “Open-to-all Coffee/Tea Discussions” to foster a discussion.
- Active campaigns to tackle all forms of harassment and gender inequality.
- Committed dedication to support Trans* rights on campus and increase the profile of the Trans* Remembrance Service
- Provision of voluntary Equality & Diversity Training materials to club/ societies.
- Continue the successful IWW and other integral campaigns
- Accountability by releasing council reports/documents publicly.
- Representation of students’ concerns raised, unaffected by own personal view.
- Form a working group of members from IEFemSoc, GU FemSoc, LGBTQ+, Welfare Officers etc
Nadia Alnasser
Hi pals, I’m Nadia, a second year Sociology student who’s actively
involved with gender equality both on & off campus
- president of the Feminist Society, used to a position of leadership with responsibility & shows passionate engagement with issues of gender oppression
- organised the first International Women’s Week last year, which got hundreds of students involved in gender equality on campus
- organised protest against L.A.M.B dinners, following which they left campus!
- three-time class rep (lol)
If elected I will:
- call for an in-depth gender equality review of all departments, in terms of curriculum, staff, & policies
- gender neutral toilets! more of them & greater visibility of existing ones
- work closely with the GUU & QMU to ensure zero tolerance of sexual harassment
- provide gender equality training for Freshers helpers, to properly prepare them to deal with sexual harassment which occurs during Freshers Week
- also propose training for lecturers & tutors, to target harming attitudes & encourage increased female tutorial contribution
- issue uni-wide campaign against transphobia
- provide safe-spaces on campus for sexual assault survivors
- collaborate closely with other equality officers to ensure the intersectionality of oppressions is tackled
Moses Igninosa
I am Igbinosa Moses Osaze, a postgraduate student in mechatronics engineering.
There is work to be done for us postgraduate to have a worthwhile experience here. I believe our stay here, should be anchored on three core areas, Theoretical study, practical experience and a social life to balance it out.
Currently those of us in the taught courses are not getting the most from our lectures due to several factors like delivering of the materials.
We often have lectures with undergraduates which shouldn’t be as it reduces the overall importance of such classes.
There is usually long distances between one lecture halls to the other without time provision for this transition
For the research masters, it’s often a case of a triangular life based on my laptop, me and my supervisor with almost totally alienation from the rest of the university community. Proper integration using all possible social networks and organizing events is what I promise.
I am confident of success in this role haven had the experience of serving as the secretary of the cultural orientation committee back in my undergraduate promoting harmony in cultural diversity.
Ariel Xu
I’m Yingjia (Ariel) Xu, a postgraduate of Educational Studies, also the last PG convenor of Social Sciences. Now, I’m standing for this position again in this spring election.
As what I committed, I endeavored to liaise PGs of Social Sciences with SRC and the college. The issues I raised in the last term including the ebooks and money being taken from students, rearranging classes clashed with Chinese New Year, etc. However, through reviewing previous work, for example the low participation rates on fresher’s week, which means the initiatives of PGs participating school events still need a further encouragement.
If I elected, continuously I’ll focus on standing at students’ stance and being students’ voice. Besides, since now I’m getting more familiar and better with the context of University Committees, I commit that I’ll work more actively and effectively as a postgraduate convenor, both with official staffs across COSS and at a national level through attending councils and University Senate meetings. Last but not least, although I tried several approaches towards collaborating with students via emailing with sosci class representatives and posting on the Student Voice, I’ll do a find out some other ways to let PGs get more involved in University.
Breffni O’Connor
Hello, I’m Breffni O’Connor, current SRC Vice-President (Student Activities). I’m a passionate, hardworking member of the current executive, and want to continue representing students as SRC President.
The skills and knowledge I’ve gained, together with my enthusiasm and commitment to improving student experience, make me the strongest candidate to ensure University Management are always held accountable and that student concerns are put first.
October sees Estates Plans for the Western Infirmary site going to University Court. We’ve made progress here, but we need more student consultation on how the Site will develop. This isn’t good enough: I want to make sure there’s proper consultation across the student body. Millions of pounds will be spent on the site – it’s a huge opportunity to improve student experience – so it’s crucial we get this right and that accessibility and requirements for clubs/societies (e.g. MSA) are given proper consideration.
2015 sees the development of the new SRC Strategic Plan. The annual turnover of elected officers and the changing needs of students mean the President requires knowledge of previous work to plan effectively for the future. I have a strong track record of ideas and judgement.
My main priority will be to stand up to the University and challenge decisions wherever students are unhappy.
More specifically I will:
- Continue to address over-crowding and funding issues affecting Counselling and Psychological Services.
- Challenge University policy which prevents students graduating or progressing due to non-academic debt.
- Fight to ensure gender equality remains a priority on campus.
- Effectively implement the recently adopted University Mental Health Policy.
- Finalise the establishment of a policy permitting students to record lectures and a policy which establishes Exam Feedback.
- Assist VPSA to organise Freshers’ Week. Introduce more events for Refreshers’ Week.
- Campaign to reverse recent restrictions the University have applied to clubs/societies which prevent them from hiring rooms before 5pm.
- Raise awareness amongst Postgraduate Students on implications of University proposals regarding Intellectual Property Rights.
- Encourage student engagement through our website/social media; helping raise the SRC’s profile.
- Be a lead institution in the U21 Student Leaders Network.
- Endorse the Fossil Free campaign. Work with groups like GUEST on their priorities of biodiversity and sustainable food.
- Campaign for a transparent review of zero-hour and atypical contracts by the University.
- Represent students at Glasgow Student Forum. Priorities include; Travel and ethical behaviour of nightclubs.
- Ensure SRC is providing adequate representation to postgraduates.
Achievements to date:
- Running a successful Freshers’ Week.
- Ran welfare events targeted at home students and international students.
- Establishing Refreshers’ Week.
- Allocating over £6,000 to clubs/societies.
- Co-ordinating Glasgow Student Forum.
- Raising over £1,500 for Charities.
- Securing a new volunteering programme.
- Co-ordinating Media Week.
- Assisting organisation of International Women’s Week.
I’m the only candidate with executive experience, a critical quality for SRC President now that we have lost a working Rector. I care about the direction SRC will take and I want to create an organisation we’re proud of.
Questions: 0909055o@student.gla.ac.uk
Donald Mackay
Hi, I’m Donald Mackay, I’m a fourth year Law Student, and I’m running for SRC President.
In my last three years as an SRC Council Member, I’ve built up extensive experience of representing students at all levels of the University including as a member of the University Court. In addition, I’ve contributed to successful national campaigns. I know the way the University is run inside out, and as your elected President, I will have no trouble hitting the ground running and taking your issues to the right people in Management immediately.
I firmly believe that the SRC must be about more than responding to the University and challenging them when they fail to deliver. It is imperative that the SRC is raising fresh ideas and fighting for their implementation, both within the University and in lobbying efforts to local and national government. I believe I have those fresh ideas.
If elected, I will:
- Re-establish Halls Committees based on the SRC Class Rep system – to make Wardens more responsive to the problems students living in Halls face that time and again are dealt with too slowly if at all. In the area of private accommodation, I will tackle landlords who fail to adequately maintain the state and security of their properties – and lobby the City Council to take action to keep rents down and sanction landlords acting illegally.
- Review the current Welfare Officer positions and bring proposals to introduce new roles – focusing on better representation for students facing financial hardship, mental health issues, the challenges of being a home student, or returning to education through the Access program.
- Push for assignment hand-in times to be harmonised across the university to ease confusion at times of high stress, as part of a package to reduce student exposure to course bureaucracy.
- Dramatically improve placement capacity in the Student Volunteering Support Service, particularly in programs such as Classroom Support where demand will continue to rise and outstrip supply – building support for students looking for opportunities to improve their employability.
- Improve course selection support for pre-Honours students, mandating Schools to run networking events with senior students before course applications. More students will ultimately end up studying courses that are right for them and it will put pressure on Schools to maintain and enhance the quality of learning.
- Lead the development of the SRC Strategic Plan 2015-2019, committing to giving all students the opportunity to set the direction of the SRC and boost student participation overall.
- Maintain the critically important good relationship with the other three student bodies, in particular to build a successful and accessible Freshers’ Week 2014 that caters to all new students.
A mix of extensive experience and fresh ideas makes me the best candidate to lead the SRC into the next year, and I hope to gain your support. If you have any questions, you can contact me through my campaign page at http://www.facebook.com/DonaldforPresident
Don’t be shy, vote Mackay!
Naomi Duffy-Welsh
In the absence of a working rector, students of Glasgow University need an SRC President who is passionate about representing student interests, diplomatic, and who has strong leadership skills. I have those skills. I am that candidate.
My name is Naomi Duffy-Welsh and I am an excellent candidate for SRC President because I am friendly, approachable and am genuinely committed to improving both the learning experience and overall experience of my fellow students. Not only this, I am also excellent at public speaking, an effective decision maker and willing to go that extra mile to support others.
I am already a highly experienced member of the SRC after being proactive in my role of Critical Studies representative and have already successfully worked towards the following:
- Managing the overcapacity issue affecting the library.
- Provide additional student support through developing a peer mentoring model and hosting a question and answer evening for students considering English literature at honours.
- Participated in a Periodic Subject Review with senior academic staff.
- Co-founded the GU forum for Student Loan Sell-off to raise awareness of debt privatisation affecting all UK students.
These issues were addressed in my first manifesto and show that I keep the promises I make. My SRC experience has also meant I am comfortable and familiar in communicating with senior academic staff and making my opinions heard. However, I still have more to give back to the students of Glasgow University.
If elected as SRC President, and in addition to my usual Presidential duties, I will work to:
- Ensure the student voice is heard and appreciated on all committees across the university and offer greater support and training to all council members to facilitate this goal.
- Be more proactive in campaigning and raising awareness of issues that affect students in Glasgow and nationwide.
- Make free fruit available in the library during the summer and winter examination periods.
- Support students through the Scottish Referendum by ensuring students are registered to vote.
- Better integrate international students and ensure all visa opportunities are well advertised for international students who wish to remain in Glasgow after their degree.
- Continue to work on the issue of overcapacity across campus by petitioning Court for additional study space and by ensuring plans for the Western Infirmary development will benefit all students.
- Reduce the waiting list for the Counselling and Psychological services by developing a pre-emptive student support model or ‘buddy system’ to pilot in September 2014.
- Use video blogs to communicate updates about the progress and achievements of the SRC to the student body, including producing a short ‘news bulletin’ video after each SRC council meeting to communicate the minutes of the meeting.
- Create a stronger SRC presence on the Gilmore Hill, Garscube and Dumfries campuses through holding Presidential surgeries and establishing an SRC brand that can be easily identified for event promotion.
Vote Naomi for #1 SRC President. Follow my campaign on Facebook and Twitter @herecomegnomes
Owen Mooney
I’m running for President because I think that the SRC should stand up for you and your interests and hold university management to account when they fail to do so.
Many students don’t know about the services the SRC provides or what it can do for them. The SRC should focus on improving engagement with students, to give you more of a stake in the decisions taken by your representatives.
I will be a President who campaigns to improve services for students and works hard to engage the student body. My record on the SRC is one of campaigning for positive change, spearheading a campaign against zero-hours contracts on campus, and I will bring this ambition and drive to bear as President, fighting for the improvement of your services.
As President I will prioritise:
Promoting Clubs and Societies:
- expand the freshers’ fair so that all societies get stalls for the entire fair
- publicise major events societies host
- give societies support and advice especially when membership is dropping or they’re not reaffiliating
- campaign with GUSA to keep Wednesday afternoons free of classes for sport
Representation that works for you:
- organise workshops aimed at encouraging people to run for the SRC as well as giving practical advice on how to run a campaign
- introduce a petitioning service to allow students to raise issues and demand action from the SRC directly
- direct elections for student representation on university court
- launch a voter registration campaign for 1st year students arriving in halls to make sure they are able to vote in the independence referendum
- hold regular president’s surgeries to give you an informal way to contact me
Mental Health Services:
- Campaign to increase funding and staffing for the counselling service to ensure you get the support you need.
- Promote awareness of mental health and services on offer during freshers’ week and with workshops before exam time.
- Introduce lecture recording for all classes to make studying less stressful and catching up on work easier
Liberation and Equality:
- keep in regular contact and work closely with societies, such as LGBTQ+, the feminist societies and others that promote equality and use the SRC to help with issues they identify
- promote and publicise events and services these societies offer
- ensure liberation and equality is at the forefront of all the work the SRC does
- introduce a service where students can compare experiences of different landlords and letting agencies, to help tackle rogue landlords and put students in touch with the legal advice on offer
- stand up to dodgy landlords and promote awareness of how the SRC can help with housing problems
For an SRC that puts students at its heart it needs a President who will be a strong voice and a campaigning force. If you want an SRC that deals with your issues and your concerns, and stands up for your interests, vote Owen Mooney #1.
Yasmine Abdel
Hey! I’m a 1st Year Psychology student and I’d love to have your vote!
I want to represent race equality as I believe that university should be an environment which promotes equal opportunities and respect for the diverse cultural values, traditions and perspectives that contributes to the intellectual exchange of ideas within campus.
- Growing up in a Portuguese and Egyptian household, I have developed an understanding of different cultural viewpoints and concerns from personal experience.
- As the Fundraiser Convenor for the African Caribbean Society, I organise fundraising events to raise awareness of issues and campaigns concerning various cultural matters in addition to social events. I also work collectively with all members of the society to promote membership to students of all ethnicity to support cohesion.
- Take action against any form of racism on campus.
- Be dedicated to working with clubs/societies to represent their concerns about racial issues.
- Support campaigns that promote race equality and cohesion or raise awareness about racial discrimination.
- Work with the University to affect change regarding race equality.
Alexander Morgan
Hello! My name is Alexander Morgan and I’m a Level 2 Computing Science student. I’m currently pursuing a BSc in Computing Science.
I’ve been a class rep in various courses since my first year, including CS1Q and CS2 as well as other non-computing subjects. I’ve been involved with the SRC for the past two years and have established working relationships with the Sabbatical officers as well as many current and past council members.
If elected for the role of SoCS representative, I will strive to represent the views of all SoCS students fairly. I will make myself as accessible and approachable as possible so that all students feel like their opinions are valued—that means you!
My main objectives as SoCS representative are to:
- provide a fluid channel of communication between students and the council and SoCS staff
- introduce more social events for SoCS students to help students network with each other as well as with staff and potential employers
- provide every student with the opportunity to make a difference in the SoCS department
Vote Alexander Morgan for an opportunity to be heard and for a better School of Computing Science.
Thank you!
Georgina Davies
Hello, my name is Georgina Davies and I am a second year History of Art student running for the School of Culture and Creative Arts Representative on 5th-6th March 2014 in the GUSRC elections. I felt as though my course was poorly organised this year which has led to great dissatisfaction within the class and a frustration that our views and opinions were not taken seriously enough by the faculty. This has led me to consider a greater interaction with the University and the Student Representative Council seemed like a good place to start. I would like to have the opportunity to represent the concerns of the School of Culture and Creative Arts, whether they be of the majority or the minority, as I believe that education is important and that those with high aspirations deserve the chance to succeed.
My aims:
- Represent the concerns and opinions of the student body within the School of Culture and Creative Arts.
- Ensure that the resources and/or resource centres for each subject are easily accessible to all students and comply to a high enough standard.
- Encourage the communication and involvement of GUU and the QMU with the School of Culture and Creative Arts, with the view to setting up a general arts club for the enjoyment of lesser represented art forms at the University. This would include trips to performance art – such as ballet, theatre and concerts – and entertain the possibility of going abroad biannually for social and art appreciative purposes.
- Forge closer links with The Glasgow School of Art (GSA).
- Expand the study abroad opportunities for those taking a subject within the School of Culture and Creative Arts; the only opportunity currently available for those studying History of Art is at the University of Bonn (for example).
Thank you for reading my manifesto. I would be dedicated to making the most of the Glasgow Art scene as well as representing individuals. Please vote Georgina Davies for SRC School of Culture and Creative Arts Rep. between 5th March, 9am and 6th March, 5pm.
Sarah Long
Hi there, my name is Sarah Long, I am a second year Primary Education student and running for School of Education representative. I first became involved in the SRC through being a fresher’s helper in September 2013, and after seeing just how much the SRC does for students, decided to run for election in Autumn 2013.
Over the past few months I believe I have done a huge amount for the Primary Education course. Being elected during the main election would allow me to work with the problems of numerous courses.
Since my election in October I was able to sort out feedback issues within the BEd2 course, put 30 recycling bins in the St. Andrew’s Building, and listen to the issues of numerous students, completing all but one of my aims, which was to try to sort out any issues regarding placements. I am currently working on this issue and will be able to continue to do so if re-elected.
Half an academic year has been a brilliant experience and allowed me to settle into the position, and would love to continue to do my job!
Anwar Abushaala
I am nominating myself for the role of school of engineering representative as I strongly believe I will ensure that the quality of academia in our departments is maintained to a high standard. Having been a class rep before, I have a strong understanding of what their roles consist of and how I can be a strong link between them and the college convenor. Furthermore, I represent the University on the local ICE Graduates and Students branch. This shows that I am always thriving to promote the profession and ensure that our students leave with the best skills. I am also Vice President and Treasurer of two of the University’s leading societies.
If elected:
- I will maintain strong links with all class reps in the school and make sure that their issues are dealt with efficiently.
- With the current change in course structure I will ensure that any issues arising due to this are addressed promptly.
- Work to promote students’ involvement in engineering institutions.
- I will work to make sure that the academic experience is an enjoyable one!
So #vote4Anwar !
Chris Triantafyllou
Hello! I’m Chris and I’m a second year Mechanical Engineering student.
Since fall 2013 I have been the class representative for second year mechanical engineers, a position which has given me useful insight on the current issues across all engineering disciplines and the chance to deliberate about them with admin staff.
I believe that there are several things that can be improved within our school and here are a few basic points on my agenda:
- Feedback is as important to us, as it is to the school and if I’m elected my first task will be to improve the way feedback is communicated across the school and get our voices heard on all and any matters that affect you.
- Enhance our ties with industry and engineering institutes with regard to site visits, networking events and opportunities for final year projects and graduate schemes.
- Promote and increase opportunities for current undergraduate students to get involved in relevant programs, research and internship positions and help them gain experience while in university.
Most importantly I’ll be there for you and listen to any suggestion or complaint you might have and do my best to bring it to the attention of our staff.
Jakub Czech
My name is Jakub and I am a third year student of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. Throughout the university I have been successful in my studies and appearing on the Engineering Excellence List every year.
I am also a class representative for my electronic engineering class. I have been representing the interests of my classmates for almost 3 years now. I believe there is plenty of room for positive change in the GU School of Engineering. I have learned that from the feedback I have been collecting since 2011. This is why I want to extend my responsibilities as a representative and become your voice in the School of Engineering.
As a fellow engineering student I understand the difficulties of exam preparation, limited exam feedback and major MyCampus annoyances. Therefore, during my time as a School Representative I will focus on the following:
- Improving exam feedback and softening regulations on viewing marked exam papers.
- Increasing availability of past exam paper solutions.
- Fighting MyCampus timetabling problems.
Vote JAKUB CZECH in March 2014 and enable positive change within the School of Engineering.
Paul Smith
Hi, I’m Paul Smith, a third year Earth Science student. I hope you will vote for me to be the next Geographical and Earth sciences school representitive on the SRC council.
Last year I was a deputy class representative. For the past 2 years I have been a fresher’s helper for the SRC and this year I was awarded ‘Best male SRC freshers helper of the week 2013’.
As a fresher’s helper I have learned so much about the SRC and what it has to offer our students. I really want to get stuck in and help out when I can. During my time in the school I feel I have gotten to know and be on good terms with most of the staff. I’m very approachable and you can speak with me whenever you see me on campus or send an email to me anytime to raise any issues you might be experiencing within the school.
If elected I will do my best to represent all students of the school of Geographical and Earth sciences. Communicate with the class representatives. To be your voice on the SRC council.
Thank you for your consideration and have a nice day.
Sarah Macdonald
I’m Sarah, a second year History and Classics student, and I hope you’ll vote for me as your Humanities Representative for the next academic year.
I would be an enthusiastic rep, and am eager to work closely with both class representatives and staff to ensure that everyone within the School of Humanities, whatever year or degree, has their voice heard on a wider platform. I think the SRC is a vital part of the University and think it’s important that a committed individual works within it on behalf of the School.
I have experience in working with and listening to others concerns through my involvement with several societies – this year, I sat on the GUU debates committee, the Dialectic Society board and am the current president of the Isabella Elder Feminist society – and I understand how important it is to be an approachable figure.
I intend to be present and active online, so any students wishing to discuss an issue can get in touch with me easily either through facebook, email or student voice.
I hope I have your vote!
Chris Glendinning
I’m Chris, I’m in 2nd year and I’m running to become your next School of Law Representative!
As someone involved in a number of societies, I have significant experience of representing students. I’ve also worked alongside the Campaign for Fair Access to the Legal Profession, a campaign which resulted in the expansion of living support to Diploma students from 2015-16 onwards.
If elected, I would be a strong voice for law students on the SRC. I’d hold fortnightly surgeries where you can come to me with any problems or concerns you may have. I’d also work alongside class representatives in representing your views to the School of Law, particularly in lobbying to achieve quicker turn-around times for exam scripts and coursework. I want to work constructively with GULS to host networking opportunities, as well as to promote opportunities for students to gain legal work experience, particularly for those in lower year groups. Finally, I want to discuss about how we can reach out into the community to widen access to law at university and make the legal profession more reflective of society.
If you have any questions, please drop me a message or come up to me and say hello!
Scott Dallas
Hey, I’m a second year maths student who’d love to represent our school at the SRC. Apart from being a dedicated maths nerd, I also study biology, which means I can compare across the two schools to help recognise what we do well and what we need to build on. Out-with studying, I really enjoy writing and I’m in Glasgow Uni’s creative writing society so I’ll not be short of the imagination needed to improve our school.
Lots of my experiences will help me in this role, some are:
- Part of Sainsbury’s youth council, where I work. Gave career week presentations in schools and organised charity fundraisers and socials. I’m not afraid of putting myself out there.
- First and second year class rep, liaising with staff over important student issues.
- Participated in an MVLS/Sci & Eng focus group to discuss the good and bad points of our courses and how the University can better itself.
If elected I will:
- Raise all student issues with staff and try my hardest to resolve them.
- Run fun drop-in sessions for everyone to talk about university and our studies.
Maths & Stats is a great school, let’s make it a wee bit greater!
Gemma Gratton
Hello! I’m Gemma, I’m in Junior Honours studying French and English Language, and spent last year working as a language assistant in France.
I believe I am well-suited to the role of SMLC representative. I have experience and knowledge of the school, and have acted as class rep for my language group. I am currently an ambassador for the language assistantship programme, and have organised several successful events to provide support for Level 2 students currently applying for the assistantship. Additionally, I was an SRC Freshers’ Helper this year, and I am also part of the publicity team and RAG committee, all of which have given me valuable insight into the work of the SRC and the support it provides.
If elected, I will:
- Continue to provide more pre-year abroad support to Level 2 students, and extend current events to those hoping to study abroad or do a work placement
- Try to provide more support for post-year/semester abroad students coming back to Glasgow to help re-integrate into university life
- Aim to improve communication between the SMLC departments and their students
- Meet regularly with class reps to discuss any issues
- Be an active and approachable point of contact for SMLC students
Claudette Alfonso
Hey, I’m Claudette! At the moment, I am a third year physics student, and I would love to represent the school of Physics and Astronomy this coming year. From being a fresher’s helper, I understand the importance of the SRC and want to contribute to improving the uni experience for all undergraduates within my school. Though I no longer do astronomy, I studied it in first year and would be happy to express any opinions that students have on that area of the school.
I understand that if elected, I would be the voice of the school. As a superposition of joy and happiness, I am an easily approachable person; I hope this will allow me to share the views of everyone. My main aims are to:
- Express the views/ concerns of every year group from the school.
- Communicate effectively with class representatives and give them with the best feedback possible.
- Gain more communication between lecturers and students.
Thanks for your time.
Nicola McGuire
Hello! I’m Nicola McGuire running as a candidate for the School of Psychology Representative. I am currently in my third year studying for my single honours degree in psychology. I hope to continue the work I have undertaken for two years as class representative by extending my duties further through the SRC, enabling myself to represent a wide body of psychology students from all years. I have acquired the skills necessary to do this through my previous experience in meetings with staff which have required me to address student issues and take on board staff comments, ensuring I will be able to work as part of a team to improve processes.
Particularly I’m interested in promoting SRC presence within psychology, which has been increasing with our number of teaching award nominations made this year. I believe for this to succeed the ability of the SRC to provide change within the School of Psychology needs to be more widely advertised to students. With the use of social media and a presence among students at social events and throughout the year that I would deliver as a School Representative this is a process that can be made real.
Cathy Steeghs
Hello! I’m Cathy Steeghs, a second year History and Politics student running to be your School representative.
As the Campaigns Coordinator for the GU chapter of UNICEF and member of the Dialectic, Isabella Elder Feminist and Politics Societies, I’m highly engaged in University life. I’m used to working with a diverse range of students and hosting events that cater to students’ needs and interests.
Being a current SRC member as well as sitting on University Senate, the largest University governing body, I already have the insight and experience of working within the frameworks of both the SRC and University management.
If elected, I would aim to:
- Promote the usage and further development of the Adam Smith Library as a resource for Social & Political Sciences students.
- Improve the cohesion and cooperation between the SRC and class reps. A direct link and feedback channel needs to be forged to ensure students feel they are meaningfully represented.
- Spread successful practices across the school. Increasingly readings are being digitized, lecture recordings are available and exam feedback is offered- I would keep this up and ensure all subjects are using these practices.
Vote Cathy as your #1 Social and Political Sciences Rep!
Lucy Taylor
My name is Lucy Taylor, I am in 4th year studying Veterinary Medicine. I am standing for this position as the School of Veterinary Medicine has not had a rep this past year, so there has been very little influence of the S.R.C. on our school, which is something I want to change.
As we all study up at Garscube I think there is a tendency for us to feel distant from the Main University and not make full use of the support the S.R.C. has to offer. If elected this is a gap I would strive to bridge by:
- promoting the services the S.R.C. can provide for us within the Vet School.
- hosting surgeries to encourage students to come forward to raise any issues they have.
- ensuring regular meetings with staff to resolve the problems and concerns of the students.
- representing the opinions of the Vet School to the S.R.C. so our voice can be heard.
Sarah Krumrie
My name is Sarah Krumrie and I am a first year veterinary student from the United States. I believe I would represent the School of Veterinary Medicine well due to my personal strengths and previous experiences. Not only am I approachable, personable, and in my biased opinion, hilarious, but I am also responsible, determined, and fantastic at communication.
I have held many past and present leadership positions, including section leader and drum major in both high school and college (From ages 15-21, for those who do not know U.S. terminology), Vice President of Scholarship for my college sorority (Much different than what it looks like on television), current Glasgow University Veterinary Medical Association (GUVMA) first year representative, and current GUVMA representative for the Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
I enjoy representing the voice of students and doing what I can to improve each students’ University experience. If chosen, I would represent the School of Veterinary Medicine to the best of my abilities and hopefully create a positive learning environment for my colleagues.
Terri Steel
I’m Terri Steel, a second year veterinary student. I am running for the School of Veterinary Medicine SRC representative. I feel I am the ideal candidate for this role as I am enthusiastic and approachable. If elected I aim to:
- Ensure excellent representation of vet students within the SRC and identify their problems and concerns.I believe that there are several issues that expand beyond Garscube and must be brought up with the main university, The SRC is the best platform by which to approach this.As well as liaising with Class Reps and G.U.V.M.A., I intend to hold informal drop-in sessions prior to SRC council meetings, allowing all students the opportunity to discuss any issue they may have.
- Improve the profile of the SRC within the vet school. SRC offers a substantial amount of support to all students, from financial to emotional. Raising awareness of these services will greatly benefit all and ensure they’re utilised more frequently.
Alistair Craig
I’m a second-year History student and I’m running to be your Sexual Orientation Equality Officer so liberation is not an afterthought but at the heart of everything the SRC does. I’m an experienced campaigner and have the enthusiasm and ideas to improve the experiences of LGBTQ+ students.
Mental health issues disproportionately effect LGBTQ+ people, and with one in four students suffering from depression there is a silent crisis on our campus. As a gay man who struggles with depression, I understand how it feels to lack the confidence and not know where to get support. If elected I will raise awareness of mental health issues, the services on offer, and campaign to end outsourcing which is driving down the standard of our university services.
I would ensure that the University is a safe space for LGBTQ+ people and that the SRC does more to educate about LGBTQ+ identities. More gender-neutral toilets, an LGBTQ+ section in the library, a specific LGBTQ+ space, and better equalities training for Freshers’ Week Helpers are ways we can make everyone feel respected, included, and valued.
I would be visible and approachable, and view the opportunity to represent LGBTQ+ interests on the SRC as an honour.
Hannah Curley
I’m Hannah, a fourth year medical student.
I have held numerous roles during my time at Glasgow. I’m currently President of Great Days Out Society, running trips throughout Scotland for 600 members. During third year I sat on the LGBTQ+ Society committee. In first and second year I represented students with the British Medical Association locally and nationally.
If elected, I will:
- Work with LGBTQ+ and other groups on campus to ensure the University provides a welcoming environment for international LGBTQ+ students who may have different cultural needs to home students
- Campaign to reduce the often dismissive attitude and misunderstanding of bisexuality
- Run a week of events promoting LGBTQ+ issues, including an educational event for medics on trans* healthcare (an important area in which most doctors lack knowledge)
- Keep gender neutral toilets high on the agenda as planning for the new campus begins
- Support and encourage more students to access sexual health services available in Glasgow
- Celebrate the 40 year anniversary of the Gay Society (now LGBTQ+) and recognise the progress achieved since then
I have the experience, commitment and passion needed to successfully represent all students on issues relating to sexual orientation.
Una Marie Darragh
Hello, I’m Una Marie and I’m student in the school of Arts and Critical Studies.
Having the pleasure of being on the council this year has given me an insight into the workings of the SRC. I have gained valuable experience running surgeries and talking to students about issues that have affected them, and I have loved having the opportunity to represent students.
If elected as Students’ with Disabilities Officer, I will:
- Run regular welfare surgeries to ensure open communication channels for students and a safe space to talk.
- Help spread information and promote the services already available within the university so that as many people as possibly can benefit from them. Being active via social media will help circulate relevant info. and events
- Continue to raise awareness of what the umbrella term disability actually encompasses as there may be support available to students who aren’t aware of it.
I am approachable and am dedicated to doing whatever I can to help students no matter what their disability or personal issue may be. I’m committed to do all I can to improve student experience with in the courses themselves and throughout campus.
Thank you for reading!
Catherine Vallis
I’m running for College Convenor for Science and Engineering to increase communication between the college and the SRC and to improve students’ experience of university. Currently I am the School of Engineering Representative meaning that I have experience of representing students’ voices on Board of Studies meetings and Learning Teaching Committees as well as with sorting out problems students have had in the department.
My priority as Convenor would be to get every science and engineering subject a reading week. Just about every other subject in the university has this breathing space in the middle of the semester and it has been proved a success, allowing students’ time to catch up with work and de-stress.
I would also continue campaigning for lecture recording and setting up a buddy system between seniors and freshers which I hope to see implemented in time for next year’s freshers. To improve communication between the SRC and the college I would organise meetings with the science and engineering school representatives to see if there are common problems between the departments and solve them collectively.
If elected I would continue to work hard to represent you as an active member of the SRC.
Vote Vallis #1
Oscar Schafer
As a second year Computing Science and Economics student, I’m the current SRC School of Computing Science Representative and a student representative on the Senate Student Conduct Committee. I have been given me a good insight into the workings of the University. I would however like to learn more and work on a college specific level.
My pledge focuses on two points: Firstly, I want to curb the number of e-mails students receive. Currently, important information is buried and lost among e-mails about diet, public lectures and e-mails which have been mass forwarded. Genuinely important e-mails should have priority and everything else you should be able to unsubscribe from.
My second point is about the degrees offered. Many students within the College of Science & Engineering are studying combined degrees with a subject outside of the College. There has recently been a reduction in the degree combinations offered. If elected, I would work to make such reductions don’t happen again.
I feel safe to say that with my SRC experience and understanding of how the Science & Engineering Schools operate I have the best possible preparation to work as the College Convenor for Science & Engineering.
Marvin Karrasch
Hello, I’m a third year Economics and Business & Management student, current SRC member, and passionate about student representation.
If elected, I will further improve the communication of the benefits and services the SRC offers to students. As a passionate debater for the Dialectic Society and GUU and founder of the Chess Society, I am experienced in communicating, engaging with students, and involving everyone.
As the Business School Representative, I have resolved issues such as addressing inappropriate in-course exams and stopping compulsory textbook purchase practices.
I would offer my experience to school representatives and be a reliable source of help. I would also improve coordination between school representatives and class representatives in the College for a joint effort to address issues, such as timetable conflicts for joint degrees. I would continue my commitment and use my current connections from this year as Business School Representative on the Learning and Teaching Committees to campaign for mandatory university wide lecture recording and increased exam feedback. I would also lobby for a policy of easier access to past exam papers in the Social Sciences to facilitate learning experiences from assessments.
If you value my action points, experience and commitment please vote for Marvin!
Alan McManus
Campaign website:
In the recent vote, the majority of GU students voted for a working rector and the majority of those students voted for the candidate (Kelvin Holdsworth) for whom I was campaign manager and to whom I suggested issues of concern to current GU students. These issues were wholeheartedly endorsed by students and by the other candidates for working rector.
In my doctoral thesis and in my work as a Life Coach I observe that intellectual wellbeing is supported by accessible and ergonomic physical surroundings, positivity about mental & physical health and an affirming network of social relationships. Intellectual endeavour may also be inspired by a quest for meaning which some (but not all) may term ‘spiritual’.
These issues of holistic wellbeing, directly or indirectly, affect education and I include them in my mandate:
- Registration – effective MyCampus training for staff and solutions to recurring glitches so students can register quickly and avoid course/ bank account/ accommodation nightmares.
- Main Library – level access solutions to climbing up Gilmorehill; laptop space & socket provision; a ban on desk hogging; respect for quiet study areas.
- Sport & Volunteering – freeing up Wednesday afternoons from compulsory classes so these other forms of learning (all valuable skills on CVs) can take place.
- Integration – support for cultural encounters (such as the Confucius Institute).
- Learning Styles – promoting diverse teaching for diverse students.
- Empowerment – continuing training and support of class representatives including assertiveness training for student appeals and complaints.
- Peer Learning & Teaching – promoting the sharing of knowledge and skills, including languages, among students.
- Mature students – specific support and adequate dedicated study & social space for the neglected 45%.
Current & Completed Study: University of Glasgow
Current PGT (Playwriting & Dramaturgy) 2013-14.
Open Studies Mandarin 2012-13; Italian & French 2011-12; French 2010-11.
Ph.D. Education 2004-10.
CREDL PGCRE (Distance Learning) 2006-07.
Accredited Course Islamic Studies 2006-07.
Relevant experience
Apart from my experience of education at the University of Glasgow, I graduated from the Universities of St Andrews (M. Theol, hons), Stirling (M. Phil) and Strathclyde (PGDE) as well as spending some months of study at the University of Granada, Spain and at ICCS, Holy Names College, California. I have taught languages at home and abroad for years, RMPS in comprehensive UK schools and have years of management experience of UK summer language schools as well as of conducting school WW1 heritage tour holidays in Flanders and Picardy. I am a published author.
I founded the Capoeira sports club at the University of Stirling, Tent City Theatre Company and POLIS (Politically Inspired Stage) at the University of Glasgow, writing, directing and acting in 5 stage productions (at the Pearce Institute, Kinning Park Complex and Doune the Rabbithole Arts Festival) and a radio play on Sunny Govan Radio and SubCity Radio. I was a member of the GU Sailing Club for two years, gaining RYA L2 (Dinghy) at the Cumbrae Centre, and have been a member of the LGBTQ+ for a decade.
Cal Davies
I am Cal (Caelum) Davies and I want to be your next Vice President Education!
- 2nd term council member. I have pushed for greater use of drop-ins for students to speak to their Reps. I have liaised with the School of Maths and Stats on issues such as plagiarism, time-tabling and grading.
- Member of the University Senate and the Learning & Teaching Committee. Also attend meetings for the Enhancement-led Institutional Review (basically an inspection for Scottish Universities) and the joint-committee with the Scottish Rural Agricultural College.
- Cofounded and led a student learning and teaching group in high school. We reinvented how home work was given in the lower school. This was my first education focused research project, hooked ever since.
- Currently attend meetings for the University’s campus expansion. I am able to make sure that the needs and wants of students are being represented to the development team.
- Previously advised Sri Lanka’s equivalent of the Ministry of Education while I was teaching there.
The above has given me a detailed understanding of how the University and SRC work. It’s allowed me to make connections to get things done, and I have proven students are willing to let me listen.
- To get Class Reps and SRC Reps working closer together. School Reps who sit on the SRC Council sometimes don’t have all the details about problems that Class Reps are able to provide them. Equally the Class Reps may have a problem they want to deal with, but don’t always have the influence/resources that School Reps can provide. I will encourage a tighter link between School and Class Reps to improve the learning environment for everyone.
- To continue working on the project I started about student led service learning. It’s about studying something of your choice in the class room, then implementing what you have learned though a community based project and getting academic credit for it. It’s common place around the world, and develops students’ employability skills. I will work with the relevant people and groups, and invest my own time into research to seek to get the project off the ground.
- To keep students interests’ at the forefront of discussions over the coming months as the University plans its expansion onto the Western Infirmary site. I’ve already taken part in some discussions, meaning my voice is even more powerful when it comes to protecting your interests.
- To spend time on improving exam and coursework feedback for students, building on the work already done. I will speak to students, Learning and Teaching Committee and other relevant groups.
- To continue the great work of my predecessors, particularly the review and improvement of exam timetabling and lecture recording. A year is short; I want to cement progress.
It’s clear how much I care about students, the Uni, the SRC and about education.
Please choose wisely. VOTE CAL DAVIES at glasgowstudent.net!
#YesWeCal @CaelumD
Frankie O’Donnell
Hi there! My name is Frankie O’Donnell and I want to be your next VP (Education). I am currently a final year Spanish and French student; I’m also the incumbent School of Modern Languages and Cultures representative on the SRC and sit on the Religion and Belief Equality Group. During my time on council I have been a very active and vocal representative and have stood up for the views of the students that I represent. One of my proudest achievements as a council member has been the marked increase in engagement between language students and the SRC.
Having been a student at this university for nearly five years, I feel that I am best placed to fulfil this role as not only do I have experience of being on council, I have a great deal of experience as a student here at Glasgow. I have seen many changes here, some for the better and some not so good, but throughout the high quality of teaching has continued, and I want to play my part in ensuring that this remains the case. In the past I have also taken part in the Erasmus and British Council programmes and have represented the university abroad.
I am hard working, approachable and passionate about ensuring that students at the University of Glasgow have the best student experience possible. If elected, my main aims would be to:
- Revamp the current class rep system: Class reps are a vital link in the chain that promotes change within the university. I feel that the system could be run more efficiently and believe that by streamlining the system this could be achieved. I want to ensure that the democratic principles behind the role are strengthened and that class reps are given more visibility within their departments. By doing this I believe we will see more engagement with students and can ensure that problems can be dealt with in-department in a more efficient manner.
- Increase the level of academic support offered to students, for example, with more academic writing workshops. Such support is vital to all and should be available to all throughout your time at university.
- Work with VP(SS) and welfare reps to ensure that all students are being catered for adequately and to ensure that no student should have to suffer any academic disadvantage.
- Strive to ensure that adequate facilities and resources are available to students of all schools.
- Work together with college convenors and school representatives to increase engagement with the SRC and to make sure that your voice is heard at all levels of the university.
So to sum up, why put a #1 next to my name on March 5th & 6th?
I want to ensure that the student is at the heart of everything we do here at Glasgow, and I believe that I am the right choice to represent you.
Any thoughts, please do not hesitate to contact me: 0900713o@student.gla.ac.uk
Gin Masiulyte
Hello! I’m Gin, a final year Economics and Politics student. By running for VP Student Activities, I’d like to invite you to celebrate all the opportunities and diversity that we have at the University!
With my experience, skills and determination, we can achieve our goals, enhance all students’ experiences and ensure that everyone leaves university with more than a degree.
My involvement with the SRC started in my first year, as a Council member. I’ve been an SRC Freshers’ Helper since 2011, and a team leader in 2012 and 2013. I’ve been a board member of various clubs and societies too, which has given me an understanding of assistance and support clubs and societies need.
Being a final year student, I have extensive knowledge of how the university functions; an understanding of useful attributes in graduation, and I’ve strong ideas of how to develop them.
This year I have worked with the current SRC VPSA as Charities, Clubs and Societies Officer. I also sit on Senate, one of the highest levels in University management. Moreover, I’m part of RAG committee, and was highly involved in the running of the extremely successful Re-Freshers Fair, which was well attended by new exchange students, and helped societies attract new members. This experience has encouraged me to continue the work I have started and become your next VP SA.
If elected, I will:
- Work alongside student media to ensure a successful Media Week by introducing a student media coordinator for the week, smooth handover of media positions, introduce team and project management training. These ideas developed after recent meetings with all student media representatives.
- Lobby the University for more funding for Clubs & Societies; address other issues (e.g. Room Bookings).
- Continue the successful ongoing cooperation between all 4 student bodies to achieve a successful Freshers’ Week and a year ahead, providing inter-campus support.
- Provide trainings for office bearers within clubs and societies, continue seminars on fundraising practices.
- Make events more accessible to home students and widen students’ participation, fostering a sense of belonging.
- Continue the success of Culture Club to raise awareness of the diverse experience available on campus.
- Provide greater engagement and coverage for the 40th year of LGBTQ+ on campus
- Include more clubs and societies in RAG activities, continuously throughout the year, with a focused emphasis on RAG week.
- Continue supporting the Fossil Free Campaign and assist the Environmental officer, particularly in light of the development of the Western Infirmary site.
- Working with First Year Representatives and the Postgraduate Development Officer to ensure integration and opportunities provided for these groups.
- Working alongside Student Volunteering coordinator to guarantee that the increased demand for volunteering projects (i.e. the Conversational English Programme) is accommodated for.
- Increase students’ awareness of the SRC and work alongside the Communications coordinator, building a recognizable brand of the organization.
- Ensure smooth transition of responsibilities in the Commonwealth Game Committee having I directly worked with the Commonwealth Games legacy projects.
Vote for experience, passion and dedication, vote Gin!
James Yates
I’m James Yates, a 4th year English Language student and I’m running for the position of Vice President (Student Activities).
Having been involved in many clubs and societies during my time at Glasgow, I wholeheartedly believe that university is about a lot more than a degree and I fully understand the importance of extracurricular activities to develop your graduate attributes.
This year, I have been on the Board of Management of Glasgow University Union (GUU). As a board member, I have gained first-hand experience that would be directly transferrable to this role in the SRC. I was fundamental in organising Freshers’ Week 2013, coordinating events and producing the PR material, as well as being part of the core committee that organised and created this year’s hugely successful Daft Friday. These experiences taught me what goes into producing great events that students enjoy. This year, I have been GUU’s representative on the cross-campus RAG (Raising and Giving) Committee, led by the current VPSA. This has given me an insight into the organisation of RAG events, being directly involved in events like the successful Red Ribbon Open Mic Night.
Representing a union that many clubs and societies not only affiliate with but also use regularly, I have a real understanding of the facilities and resources that clubs and societies need, something that would be vital in supporting those that affiliate with the SRC.
This position at GUU has allowed me to understand the commitment necessary to manage a student body on campus and if elected, I would:
- Work with all four student bodies to organise Freshers’ Week 2014, improving on the successes of previous years, both socially and commercially, focussing on marketing in order to increase pass sales.
- Work with all four student bodies and the student halls site managers to make it easier for the student bodies to promote themselves in Murano and other halls.
- Continue to develop RAG on campus. I would propose running RAG events throughout the year in aid of various charities whilst also having a dedicated RAG Week to support a particular charity, promoting cross campus collaboration and student engagement in organising events and aiming to raise twice as much as we did this year.
- Support affiliated clubs and societies, with a focus on providing suitable room bookings on campus at affordable rates and striving to keep Wednesday afternoon’s free for clubs for societies.
- Support the four student media outlets and work alongside them to organise a successful Media Week.
- Develop ReFreshers Week in order to welcome international and postgraduate students coming to Glasgow in January whilst also providing further opportunities to current students to get involved with clubs and societies.
- Increase awareness of the volunteering opportunities available, highlighting the benefits of the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).
- Engage students better with the SRC through social media platforms.
I believe that the experience and the enthusiasm that I have makes me the best candidate.
More info at http://www.facebook.com/JamesYatesVPSA
Clopin Meehan
I’m Clopin, and I’m a 4th year Film Studies/Philosophy student. In my current role as SRC Gender Equality Officer, and my role last year as a School Rep, I’ve gotten to grips with the ins and outs of the SRC, and would love the chance to build further on the contributions I’ve made. As GEO, and my role last year as President of the Feminist Society, I’ve been actively involved in campaigning for equality on campus, and supporting students with the many diverse problems that can arise for them. After building a high-profile campaign around sexism and sexual harassment/assault on campus last year, this year I’m continuing with a high-profile week of events for International Women’s Week, a great opportunity to put Glasgow University on the map as a university that cares about equality. I’m planning a further series of campaigns and events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April, to fight the stigma and preconceptions that stop survivors speaking out about their experiences. In my engagement with on-campus activities I’ve also tried to keep a big focus on trans issues, which are sadly too often left behind, but which I’m happy to see people engaging enthusiastically in!
If elected I will:
- Continue to improve support for survivors of sexual assault and abuse. I know from my own experiences that university can be a frightening place when it feels like no one’s listening. I want to make our services much more visible, so that every student knows there’s someone they can speak to. I’d also work to ensure that staff in these areas are trained to deal with these specific issues, so they can provide support as sensitively as needed.
- Challenge stigma against mental health. Many students are unaware of the services provided for students with disabilities, and part of the problem is the stigma around mental health problems, which tells us to just ‘get over’ them, causing many people to feel like their problems aren’t big enough to seek support. I want to help change this by making services more visible to students, and running campaigns that challenge stigma. I also want to push for a review of the recent outsourcing of the Disability Service, which has seen the quality of service and staff conditions suffer.
- Campaign against zero-hour contracts. The many staff on zero{*}hour contracts is a major concern for student welfare. As tutors aren’t paid enough hours for their workloads, they’re being forced to work extra hours for no pay, or mark our coursework in a rush. It affects the wellbeing of everyone at Glasgow Uni, and I want to see them out.
- Improve access to services. We provide loads of great services, and I want to ensure these are accessible to everyone. One particular thing I’d like to push for is women-only time in the gym, allowing access to women who cannot share the space because of their faith, or because of their needs as a survivor.
Thanks! I’m happy to answer any questions at 0901747m@student.gla.ac.uk
Liam King
I’m Liam King and I’m a third year Psychology/Philosophy student. I’m standing for the position of Vice President Student Support.
For the past year I have been the SRC Sexual Orientation Equality Officer. I have been very active in this role and have run several projects all year including: Stand Tall, Get Snapped; Lighting up the South Front for World AIDS Day; Red Ribbon Open Mic; LGBT history; Gender Neutral Toilets; and the FairPlay Campaign. All these projects required a great amount of time, dedication and hard work. They all required me to meet with people from all across the University Community. As a result, I have built relationships that have allowed me to make real change on campus. Inside the SRC, I have also worked with a number of people. This has given me a great deal of insight to the challenges the SRC faces as well the successes that can be achieved through mutual effort. As well as my SRC role, I have also been a student representative on the University’s Disability Equality Group which has given me a broader experience of student welfare issues.
When electing a VP Student Support it is as much what a candidate says they will do as it is about who they are: I have proven myself to be incredibly hard working, experienced and possessing the ability to implement all my manifesto commitments:
- Establish a social forum for students with disabilities that will increase their representation and combat isolation that often occurs in this group
- Have a truly accessible Freshers’ Week for all students: particularly students with disabilities but also home students and post-graduate students
- Work with Estates & Buildings to ensure that accessibility on campus remains a top priority and is included in plans for the Western Infirmary
- Push for a review the use of Zero Hours contracts for support workers for students and support the Campaign against Zero Hours
- Keeping mental health the focus of Welfare Week whilst expanding to include women’s health and men’s health issues
- Push for a representative from Counselling Service on Disability Equality Group so the SRC can hold the Counselling Service to account more effectively
- Push for wide student representation on the Gender Equality Group and continue the work on Gender Neutral Toilets on campus
- Have better equality and diversity; and personal safety training for all Freshers’ helpers from all student bodies
- Raise the profile of the Mature Students Association within the University, support them in their future development plans and raise the issue of retention among mature students
- Continue current work on expanding condom provision on campus by having free condoms available at halls 24/7
- To support the Welfare Officers in their campaigns and projects; and formalise the requirement for Welfare Officers to be visible in their respective student societies
- Use the Glasgow Student Forum and the Hillhead Community Council to lobby the Council to be tougher on illegal landlords
- Promote the work of the Advice Centre particularly to EU/ International students
Thank you