Autumn 2015 Manifestos
Here are the manifestos for the accepted candidates in the Autumn Elections 2015.

If you’re unsatisfied with the promises and rhetoric contained in each candidates’ wonderful prose, you’ll luckily have the chance to grill them in person at the hustings meeting, 6pm on Wednesday 14th October in Room 201 of the John McIntyre Building.
Voting is open at from 9am to 5pm on Thursday 15th October. Election Results will be announced around 6.30pm in Room 201, John McIntyre Building.
Choose a candidate below to see the manifesto:
Rafael Crespo Molina
Hi, I’m Rafael! Together we will improve our life at university. I’m an 18-year-old Life Sciences student from Spain interested in several subjects (physics, philosophy, politics, economics and music) and I currently live at Cairncross House.
Why me? At my Secondary School I’ve been student representative on the Governing Board for 3 years and class representative for 2 years. This helps me to understand what students need and how representative bodies function. Also, the activities I do outside school (sports, language learning, scouting, student exchanges) have made me realise the importance of two things: meeting all kinds of people and enjoying what you do. These two are the key to a great university experience.
What will I do? As a First Year Rep, I will always make your voice be heard in the right places, at the right times, to ensure we achieve the goal of a better university for all of us. I will actively seek your opinion and encourage student participation and communication at all levels.
Your vote is the first time you will have a say, let me be your voice for the rest of the year.
Hannah Fairbairn
First year is an extremely important year for university students in that it establishes what you wish to get out of your time in Glasgow. I would like you to help me make the most of your time as a University of Glasgow student.
My name is Hannah Fairbairn and I am currently studying history, politics and economics. I love being involved and would love the opportunity to represent you and your opinions on the important issues.
Being a first year is extremely daunting. However just because we’re less experienced does not mean our opinions and views mean any less. As your representative I will make the issues that matter to first years a top priority for the SRC. I firmly believe that new students bring with them fresh ideas and would love to hear your views on halls of residence, university life and what would make your experience as a first year and for first years to come just a little less intimidating. I would be honoured if you would afford me the opportunity to be a first year representative.
Vote for Hannah.
Helen McGeorge
These first few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement, meeting new people, getting involved in all the University has to offer, and of course exploring Glasgow.
In the short time I’ve lived here, I’ve noticed how warm and welcoming everyone is and I would love, and find it an honour, to be able to represent all of the first years in this great University. With so many new faces there will be a lot of fantastic ideas and I strongly believe everyone’s views and ideas matter.
Therefore, I will use my past experience in a variety of roles, putting in every effort to make sure everyone’s views are represented, campaigning to help improve university life for all. With so much going on, one thing I feel would be useful is an online searchable-calendar. I also feel that it would be helpful to many of us if more lectures were recorded to help when reviewing our notes. Finally, I will campaign for cheaper student textbooks and an improvement in the number of bins and recycling bins around campus.
Every voice has the right to be heard and I pledge to listen and if elected, represent those views fully!
Kirsten Muat
Hello, I’m a Politics and Philosophy student wishing to improve the lives of all first year students. Prior to university I was elected by my peers for four consecutive years to the House council at High School. This, along with sitting on a variety of committees, has equipped me with experience I will utilise to represent you.
First year may not be the most academically difficult but it is arguably the most challenging. If elected I pledge to make the transition to university and independent life easier by:
- Establishing links between first and older year students on the same courses that can be used for advice and information;
- Investigating and publishing details of living costs within halls of residence such as washing expenses to see where efficiencies can be made thus reducing the cost;
- Increasing awareness of government and E.U. legislation affecting university students;
- Improving the SRC bus services from halls of residence during the winter months.
In order to make sure that all first year needs are met I would create a section of moodle which would allow all students to easily make me aware of any issues they have.
Ryan O’Fee
Hi fellow first years, I’m Ryan, I’m studying history and politics and I’d love to be your first year representative for the SRC.
I believe representation is a crucial part of what keeps the university functioning for us, the students. Before coming to my senses I previously attended Edinburgh University, where student representation was severely lacking, and that’s partly what is motivating me to stand as your representative now. During my time at Edinburgh I was a class rep, giving me experience communicating students’ opinions and criticisms to university staff and lecturers. I have also had experience suited to this position during school, working with groups of students in drug awareness and peer advocacy roles.
At Glasgow I’m already involved in debating, because I love arguing for what I believe in. I want to use this passion for politics to work for you, the students. The SRC has some big challenges coming up, with plans for the university’s new buildings under discussion and the vital consent education campaign. If elected I’ll support this year’s council in pushing students’ best interests in these areas and in bringing more transparency and accessibility to the SRC.
Junaid Ashraf
Syrian refugee crisis, poor student accommodation, food at the Fraser building.
All are issues students at the University of Glasgow care passionately about and as the general representative I hope to hear more about how we can improve services at the university, tackle day to day student grievances and support international humanitarian efforts across the globe.
As a second-year mechanical engineering student I’ve grown over the past year to love our university’s buildings, library, campus and everything about us. However, I want to now be in a position where I can help improve who we are for those who make our university what it is – the students.
As a former Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament I am perfect for this position having previously represented Scotland’s young people on Scotland and UK wide platforms. I have previously held positions as the Trustee and Convener of Equalities for the Scottish Youth Parliament where I lead the youth parliament’s nationwide campaigns “Care. Fair. Share.” and “Votes at 16”.
Championing representation for all is truly what I believe in and I hope to bring this ethos to the SRC with me if elected.
Vote Junaid Ashraf #1 for General Representative
Jenny Benson
Hi there,
My name’s Jenny Benson and I’m a fourth year French & Business student. I’ve just returned from my year abroad in France where I was teaching English to French high school students. This gave me international experience in a workplace and I also had the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life from around the world.
Also, after completing freshers helping for the second time this year, I feel I have relevant experience to this post and have gained a great insight into what the SRC does. The SRC is an amazing student body and I’d like every student at our university to be aware of the importance of the SRC and how they can access the wide variety of services they offer.
I will work closely throughout the year with the other members of the council and sabbatical officers on solving any issues which may affect students.My main goal is to be the student’s voice and to make sure that every single student at our university feels fairly represented.
Good luck to everyone running and thank you for your consideration as me for your general representative.
So, please VOTE JENNY BENSON #1 General Representative!
David Guthrie
Hello! I’m David Guthrie, a third year Mechanical Engineering student and I want to represent you as your General Representative.
I know how important the student experience is and even more so a friendly face. I’m an active member of GUSWPC and a regular in the unions, I have the knowledge of campus life and the enthusiasm for it to make sure I will strive to improve things for all of us.
I got involved with the SRC by working as a Fresher’s Helper and loved every minute of it, largely because I give my absolute best to anything I invest myself in. I will continue to help you and every student here at Glasgow. Whatever the issue, change or problem I will fight to make it happen.
I promise to:
• ACCESSIBILITY: Improve Accessibility for representation by improving drop in sessions and maximizing the General Reps’ efficiency & accessibility on social media.
• STUDENT SERVICES: Ensure that student services and welfare do not suffer as a result of the Western Infirmary developments.
• INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: Work with School Reps to improve mediums through which those unable to attend lectures can catch up on what they’ve missed.
Thanks for reading! Please VOTE GUTHRIE!
Julia Kamenova
Hello, my name is Julia and I am a second year Accounting and Finance student. I decided to run for a general representative position because it will give me a chance to make everyone’s university experience better.
While being a class representative for my whole year group, I got involved with the SRC and developed a good idea of its role. As an active member of numerous societies and clubs, I constantly communicate with students from a wide variety of backgrounds. I also supervise a programme, in which the Accounting students mentor freshers from our degree.
If I get elected, I will:
• make the SRC and its services more known to students, as to my experience many people are not aware about the different areas in which they can get help
• hold frequent drop-in sessions in order to create more opportunities for students to discuss their opinions and problems
• work on getting more courses having their lectures recorded
• raise awareness among students about matters that concern them (e.g. ban on dictionaries in exams, the proposed Higher Education Governance Bill)
Thanks for reading and remember to vote for me on the 15th of October!
Shereif Kholeif
Hello! My name is Shereif Kholeif and I am studying Medicine. I am running for general representative as I’ve always enjoyed helping people in some capacity. I’ve always been involved in team sports,wider participation and integrating diverse cultures into our society throughout my life and have continued this through to my university life joining many clubs/societies. I co-founded our first year medical club which was very successful with fundraising, something I believe highlights that I am willing to work well within a team but am also confident enough to speak out for your ideas
Before I was a class rep for Medicine, I did not realise the wide variety of services the SRC had to offer. I firmly believe the SRC has something for everyone.
This year I hope to:
– Increase SRC awareness by trying to hold some sort of fortnightly/monthly quiz event as I learned from freshers week SRC loves a good quiz night.
– Campaign to make Kelvin walkway safer for everyone. I hope with the new campus extension and the Primary school that both the GCC and the university would feel it necessary to work with me on this.
Thanks for reading! Vote Shereif Kholeif #1!
Kate McNally
Hi, my name is Kate McNally and I am a 22 year old first year Medical student from Ireland.
For the last 4 years, I was studying in University in Dublin where I was heavily involved in our Students Union. I was elected as Class Representative twice and later the Faculty Rep for all of Health Science- essentially offering representation to a third of students on campus. I was also involved in our Education and Welfare committees, as well as a number of other societies on campus.
As a general representative, I think I would be able to help out with a number of different things the SRC does- campaigns such as the upcoming Welfare Week, promoting welfare and equality issues across campus, helping to build up the flatshare facility to assist students with finding accommodation, improving the services students regularly interact with, as well as providing representation on local and wider scale.
I have a lot of great ideas (too many to fit into 200 words..!) as to how the existing successful services provided by the SRC could be improved and expanded upon. I also have a lot of experience with student representation and working together for students’ needs.
Mohsin Muhammed
Mohsin Muhammed here. I am a 2nd Year medical student and I would cherish the
opportunity to represent students in the largest student body on campus.
Being an active member of numerous societies – medical social committee and sub-aqua
society— has allowed me to engage with a wide range of people from all walks of life.
This has opened my eyes to the issues that affect students from a wide variety of
backgrounds, and I would like to take this forward and represent their views in the SRC.
I am committed to this role and will focus my efforts on improving the provision of student
services on campus, in particular, with future spending of £775 million. I will strive to:
• Make sure there will be adequate facilities for making learning and socialising easier
for students, especially with the new Learning and Teaching Hub.
• Represent views of ethnic minorities on campus. Accommodating their social and
spiritual needs.
• Ensure that issues affecting students are brought to the attention of authorities on
campus, in time for the upcoming elections in 2016. I will encourage open dialogue
on campus, in an effort to highlight issues that affect students.
Vote Mohsin #1 General Representative!
Fatemeh Nokhbatolfoghahai
My name is Fatemeh, and I’m in 2nd year of Medicine. I’ve been involved in a range of societies across campus so far, including the Women’s and Medchir basketball team, Friends of MSF and GUMSA. I also now hold a range of committee roles across them, from Managing the media team to sponsorship.
Outwith University I’m part of the National Young people’s sport panel and basketball panel. I’ve developed skills like delivering, monitoring and evaluating projects and most importantly, identifying what needs the most resources. Recently we’ve been working on changing the attitudes of sports clubs in involving younger people in their board meetings, by using networking events and campaigns.
With the opening of the new Stevenson facilities, the university should be actively inspiring those not already involved in sports to identify their barriers and help overcome them. I think the Council could have a major role in this.
A healthy body, a healthy mind, a happy student!
I would also like to create awareness around the equality act. It’s often very difficult for people to explain something like their faith, and everyone needs a chance to have their voices heard!
Matthew Taylor
My name is Matthew Taylor, I’m a fourth year English Literature student, and I am running for the position of General Representative.
I believe that I am the right choice for this role. I have represented the University on a number of occasions: as an SRC Freshers Helper, an English Literature class representative, and as an exchange student in America. Furthermore, I am highly engaged in the university community: from attending debates to helping at Freshers Week, I actively seek to interact with as many people as possible at Glasgow.
As one of four General Representatives at the SRC, I would represent all students at the University of Glasgow. The three issues that I find most important include: worrying increases in rent prices at private and university accommodation, access to Counseling and Psychological Services at university, and wider education regarding sexual assault and alcohol. As your General Representative, I would work tirelessly to tackle these issues. Moreover, I would also collaborate with other members of the SRC and university government to ensure that changes became a reality.
I am passionate about this university and I believe that I would make a great General Representative.
Thank you for your time.
Marc Vives Enrich
Hi, I´m Marc, a MCB fourth year student. As a keen and motivated member of the University, I am a great believer in improving the experience, help and support that you the student get at university. Which is why I would love to commit as a General Representative on the SRC.
Volunteering as a Senior Resident for 2 years has allowed me to speak to students regularly about their experiences and has made me understand how crucial the SRC is. Being Class Rep seven times and editor/writer of the ‘Triple Helix Society’; the largest international student run society in the world has helped me acquire the skills of empathic communication, teamwork and key organisational and problem solving proficiency.
If elected, I would:
- Work tirelessly to improve the use of Social Media to approach students, allowing them to be part of a greater circle at university which is the SRC.
- Push forward the notion that EVERY lecture should be recorded, so you do not miss out on what’s important.
- Allow more accessible and student-friendly weekly meetings where the student´s voice is what matters most.
Thank you so much for reading, and VOTE MARC on 15th October!
Debbie White
I’m Debbie, a first year PhD student in Medieval History. I’ve been at Glasgow since 2010, first for my undergraduate degree and then my Masters. I was a class rep last year for the MLitt in Medieval History. Postgraduate students face a unique set of challenges, and I want to work with fellow students, the SRC and the university to address some of these challenges.
Mental health and welfare – Postgraduate study can be an isolating and stressful time. I will work with the Mental Health Officer (and other welfare officers) to address this.
Information – I want to improve the information given to students in the transition between undergraduate and postgraduate study, particularly in terms of how to handle that transition and what financial support is available.
Engagement – One of the highlights of my undergraduate degree was my involvement in clubs and societies. Fewer postgraduates experience this side of university life and I want to work with the Clubs and Societies Officer to encourage societies to attract and retain postgrad members.
If you have any questions, please get in touch!
Alisha Aman
This is Alisha Aman, PG, Medical Genetics, 2015-2016.
I am nominating myself for the post of PG-MVLS convener.
Previously, I have had quite a lot of experiences in this area. I have been the School House Captain under the Student union, wherein I had represented half of the students (Class IV to Class X). Apart from being the organizing head for many events during my school, higher secondary, and undergraduate student life, like various department activities, World Rare Disease Day (SRM University), Indian Genetics Congress (SRM University), I have also founded the SRM Environment Club under the Directorate of Student Affairs, Srm University, served as its convener during the academic year 2014-2015; during this term, I, along with my team, was able to bring about a lot of changes in and around the university’s campus and had conducted manifold events for environmental awareness.
If elected for the post, I will make sure that all the issues of PGT-MVLS students are addressed- be it any trivial issue, and see to it that the work is done. And if any issue cannot be resolved, I will make sure that the students get a legitimate reason for the non-fulfillment
Jake Casson
Hi! My name’s Jake and I’m a PGR student within the MVLS College. I recently graduated from Glasgow with a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and my time at the university has given me a chance to be part of many campus societies, including the G-Gnomes Genetics and Biochemistry Society, where I served as last year’s secretary.
Most notably, I helped start the Postgraduate Biomolecular Science Society as I identified it was difficult for PGs, particularly MSc students, to meet up with other MVLS students. In the past 12 months we have run many successful events involving a lot of free pizza and refreshments where MVLS PGs could get together and take a break from work.
If elected PG MVLS convenor I will continue this by setting up more social events for MVLS PGs to meet and get to know each other because I know it can be difficult to branch out, especially if you’re only here for a year.
Your opinions are invaluable in making this University a great place to be and it’s important the right people hear what you have to say. I will ensure this is done if you vote Jake Casson #1!
Kirstin Leslie
Hello! I’m Kirstin, a Masters student hoping to represent you as your Postgraduate MVLS convenor.
This is my fifth year of study at the University of Glasgow and so I know the uni well. Last year I served on council as the school of Life Sciences representative, and have worked as an SRC fresher’s helper for the past three years, so I’m familiar with The SRC and know how to get the best out of it for you.
Many PG students at the university still feel underrepresented and so if elected, I will work closely with both the school and class representatives to strengthen communication networks already in place, to make sure your voice is heard within the SRC and, by extension, the University. I will also build on the work of last years’ Postgraduate Convenors, by continuing the student forum’s held regularly in the Gilchrist PG club. Whatever problems you have with your course, or any bright ideas you have to improve your time at the University of Glasgow, I’ll be ready to listen and act.
So please vote for me as your No.1 PG MVLS Convenor! #votekirstfirst
Bob Rooney
Bob for the Top Job #BOB2015
My name is Bob Rooney and I am a current PGR student in the college of MVLS. I am running for the PG MVLS convener position and I’m looking for your support!
I’ve been a student at the University of Glasgow for 5 years and counting and during my time I have been heavily involved with the running student societies, mainly the Genetics society that I served as president. During that time we worked closely with the university staff to introduce student driven workshops designed to maximize the student experience. Recently I’ve been focusing my efforts on how we can use the PGR student perspective to mold an excellent postgraduate experience, which has so far been successful with the Postgraduate Biomolecular Science society.
If elected I will:
• Conduct a college-wide review on the effectiveness of the current credits system.
• Prioritize PGR networking within the college by co-hosting social events in partnership with student societies e.g. Christmas Ceilidh
• Work constructively with the university to ensure that the postgraduate experience is influenced by YOUR feedback.
Thank you!
Ion Seng Lam
My name is Ion Seng, Lam. I am a Chinese postgraduate student (Msc Financial Forecasting and Investment) from Adam Smith Business School. I worked as an officer for a club before and a currency trader at a bank for two years.
University of Glasgow is one of the best universities around the world, but I believe that our university can be even better. More important, I believe that I can achieve this goal by representing all the students’ voices.
- Improving communication between students, schools, colleges and university.
- Helping international students and first-year students to adapt campus life.
- Improving academic events and social events of Social Science College. Gaining more resources from University.
- Increasing academic interactions between students.
- Improving course structure of Social Science College and learning outcome for students.
- Installing hot water dispensers in school.
- Diversifying cuisine and dishes of eating outlets.
- Extending minibus service to resident halls to 12 a.m, facilitating students to get home from library.
- Reducing education fee.
- Increasing environmental awareness among students
- Increasing cultural education among students
Frankie O’Donnell
Hi, I’m Frankie and I’m currently studying towards my PGDE in Secondary Spanish and French. I studied my undergraduate degree in Spanish and French here at Glasgow also, graduating in 2014.
Having served on the SRC as the School Representative for Modern Languages and Cultures in 2013-14, student representation is something that is extremely close to my heart. During my time as a school rep, I sat on the university’s Religion and Belief Equality Group and sat on Modern Languages Learning and Teaching Committee.
I believe that my previous experience would make me an ideal choice as PG Social Science Convenor. If elected, my aims would be:
• To work with all of council to ensure that postgraduate voices are heard and their needs are met.
• To change the system for electing Postgraduate convenors, by changing postgraduate elections to Autumn, ensuring that all PG students get a chance to run for a position on council and promote as wide a field of candidates as possible.
• To be a transparent member of council, by allowing regular contact between myself and students and maintaining regular contact with PG Social Science students, so as they know what I am doing as their representative.
Bethan Simpson
I’m Bethan and I’m hoping to be your next representative for Critical Studies!
Bit about me:
• I love David Bowie;
• Reading with a cup of tea and a Welsh cake;
• Have an unhealthy obsession with anything Austen, Brontë, Steinbeck, Nabokov and Conan Doyle;
• Sailing in all weather;
• Aim to travel to 25 countries by age 25;
• Having a great night out;
• And also a great night in!
My involvement at Uni includes:
• Signing up for countless emails’ in my own freshers’ week and only just going to socials;
• Being a Critical Studies Class Rep for 2 years running;
• Being 2nd Year Rep for Theology and Religious Studies;
• SRC Freshers’ Helper 3 times and delighted in every second.
When you choose me I will do/be the following:
• Make sure your voice is heard on the council regarding any issues of uni life;
• Increase communication between staff and students;
• Work closely with those in the SRC to ensure every student has the best possible experience here at Glasgow Uni;
• Be an approachable and charismatic rep!
Lauren Mitchell
Fellow students,
My name is Lauren Mitchell and I believe that you should elect me for your Culture and Creative Arts School Representative for the following reasons:
• I have had 15 years’ experience working in performing arts as well as receiving opportunities to represent several student bodies;
• I was a first year class representative and I am well aware of the current issues facing the school and also the SRC;
• I have experience leading successful charity appeals and delegating tasks to other students through this;
• I am for more spaces being allocated on campus to students as it is very much needed;
• I am aware that there is an issue with regards to credit allocation in the school and one of my priorities is to resolve that;
• The subjects of this school are very dependent on each other. If elected I would encourage a culmination of them which has already been seen with some courses being taught over more than one subject;
• I would also aim for a more unified system in general between the subjects.
Thank you for considering me as your representative and I hope I can count on your vote at this election.
Susan Yue
Hello, my name is Susan Yue and I’m a second year Film and Television Studies student. As a SRC Fresher’s Helper this year, I learned how the SRC works and how much the SRC could do to support students here. This enlightened me to run for School of Culture and Creative Arts Representative.
Being part of GUST (as the Lifestyle Producer) and GULGBTQ+ (as the international students’ officer), I believe I’m capable of making connections among people and absorb voices in every corner. The fact that I’m doing joint-honours with Sociology and taking History of Art level 1 as my third subject this year provides me an opportunity to see how students from different schools and years may have different opinions and requirements.
If elected, I will:
• Make connections between the SRC, class reps and individual students.
• Ensure that both the academic resources and the student supports are easily accessible to all students.
• Work with clubs/societies specific to subjects under the arts (such as the Cecilian and STaG) as well as those with general interests/hobbies.
• Provide off-campus opportunities related to subjects within the school, including links with The Glasgow School of Art and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.
Sven Maier
Hello, my name is Sven and I’m currently in my second year studying Philosophy and Politics. As a Fresher’s Helper this year I witnessed first hand how the SRC deals with representation on campus. This has encouraged me to become actively involved in the student body and run for the School of Humanities Rep so I can ensure students are at the forefront of decision-making in the University and have their voices heard. As Humanities Rep I will:
• Make it a primary concern of mine that every student feel comfortable expressing any concern or voicing any critique to me, directly or through Class Representatives.
• Ensure that Humanities students are represented at staff meetings and committees and that their interests are a central matter in the direction of the School.
• Work on an equal level with the fellow Schools in the College of Arts, maintaining ongoing dialogue with the Arts Convenor in order to allow for better communication and productivity.
I am a hard-working and passionate individual who cares a lot about student representation. This is why I am the best candidate for the School of Humanities.
Thank you for reading my manifesto and please vote for me.
Tuuli Lohmus
Hi physicists and astronomers (in making)!
I am Tuuli, a 4th year Physics student. I am passionate about education standards and students’ expectations throughout their studies. I want to do my best to make sure reality surpasses expectations and SRC offers an excellent opportunity for that.
I have been a class rep for several courses during the last two years and experienced that it is possible to make a difference. Last year the school intended to implement a major change that would have most directly affected all MSci students going to 4th year. School only saw one alternative to existing situation. After discussions with other students, I put together a letter describing 7 possible alternative options. The major change was postponed and I believe that active response from students had a considerable effect.
My main aims as a school rep:
- Ensure that all major changes in courses are discussed with students and students’ opinions considered when making a final decisions
- Meet monthly with all the class reps to discuss any concerns and address them at school/college level in a timely manner
- Engage all years in active communication to ensure the best degree experience
Thank you for reading!
Louisa Kuehme
My name is Louisa and I’m running to be your next School of Psychology Representative. I am in my second year studying Psychology and Business Management and I am willing to invest as much time and effort as necessary in order to give a strong voice to all Psychology students.
As a School Representative, my primary role would be to continue and improve communication among SRC, staff and the student body. I feel confident assuming this role due to my previous experience of working within the SRC as a Fresher’s Helper. Being a SRC Helper has taught me a lot about the importance of student representation and has provided me with practical insights into how the SRC functions. I am also an active member of a number of societies including the Psychology Society and am passionate about my studies.
My priorities would be improved feedback on essays, lab reports and especially on exams. Furthermore, I would like students to receive more information about career opportunities, part-time jobs and internships related to Psychology. I would also ensure that all lectures continue to be recorded and are available on Moodle so that students can access them at any time.
Thais Ramdani
Hello, my name is Thais Ramdani, and I’m a third year Psychology student running for School of Psychology Representative.
I have had experience with the SRC, through being a Fresher’s Helper for the past two years, and an active member of the PR team. I have also been elected as a class representative, which will help in forming a strong bond between students, staff, and the SRC.
If elected, I will:
- Continue the work carried out by previous school representatives on the involvement of class representatives. I wish to make their attendance to meetings compulsory, and implement a meeting with the school representative each semester;
- Improve feedback in the school, which will allow students to feel more comfortable in their work. Proper feedback is important in helping students grow and progress;
- Work on the issues raised regarding the way LGBTQ+ identities have been discussed in classes, and the way these have been dealt with. It is fundamental for a school, especially in psychology, to discuss the full spectrum in order for students to feel safe in the department.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you will consider me for your School of Psychology Representative.
Rowan Jackson-Stewart
Hello, I’m Rowan Jackson-Stewart, a final year veterinary student.
I’ve been involved with the SRC for the past year; twice as a Fresher’s helper and as a member of their PR team. I also co-organised the small animal events at AVS congress 2015.
If elected I will:
• Ensure vet students are viewed as a part of the whole university; not just GUVMA. The Garscube campus sometimes means we’re inadvertently overlooked and I want to ensure you are getting the most out of your university and the University is getting the most out of you!
• Aim to get vet textbooks stocked in the main university library. Choosing to live in the West End shouldn’t make it difficult to access vital resources.
• Look into a better minibus service between West End and vet school.
• Promote the services the university has to offer. As part of the SRC I’ve learnt about a lot of really useful services – it shouldn’t take every vet student until fourth year to utilise them!
• Hold drop-in sessions before every GUVMA/SRC council meeting so you have many opportunities to let me know what you want from your university!
I am enthusiastic, approachable and open to all suggestions!
Claire Watson
Who am I?
I’m currently a 5th year student with an interest in small animal medicine.
Do I have enough experience to represent our school successfully?
Throughout vet school I have been on various committees – I adore getting involved in the organisational side of charities and societies. Below are some of my previous roles:
• Secretary of Rodeo Committee
• Secretary and Publicity Convenor of Glasgow University Canoe Club
• 3rd year Class Representative
• Student Representative for XL Vets, Vetoquinol and SPVS
Most importantly, when the position for the Vet School Representative went unfilled in the Spring SRC elections, I offered to stand in over summer and carry out relevant duties. As such I have been sitting on board meetings for the likes of the GLaSS Building, already contributing the views of the vet school student body.
What will I do if I become elected?
I have listed my three main plans for the next year:
• Collection point at vet school for contributions to the Refugee Crisis
• Improve the student/staff mentor scheme
• Start a user friendly EMS database from current students’ previous placements
Vote for Claire!