2013/14 Campaigns
As well as major events and campaign weeks, the SRC campaign on a variety of issues throughout the year.

See below for the campaigns that took place in 2013/14.
Accessible Formatting
GUSRC continues to campaign for accessible formatting across the university.
Clubs & Societies Room Bookings
As pressure on rooms on campus has increased over recent years, the availability of rooms for clubs and societies has become problematic. The SRC has received a number of complaints from clubs and societies about being able to book room and the cost associated with it.
Examination Feedback
The SRC have been working with the University to develop an examination feedback policy that will both be acceptable to students and achievable by staff.
Examination Timetabling
Following concerns bought to us by a number of students about the timetabling of their exams, the exec worked with the SRC Advice Centre to investigate the extent of the problem.
Fossil Fuel Divestment
The Glasgow University Climate Action Society brought a motion to the SRC to lobby the University to divest from fossil fuel industry companies.
Peer to Peer Mentoring
The exec are currently working with a number of SRC School Representatives and the Schools themselves to establish peer to peer schemes within their schools.
Reject discrimination against international students
The SRC are deeply concerned by the recent proposals put forward in the UK Government’s Immigration Bill which if enacted would require that every potential tenant has their immigration status checked by private landlords, see the introduction of charges for international students wishing to access the NHS and the removal of most appeal rights from migrants.
Scottish Water charges
GUSRC has triumphed over Scottish Water following the threat of additional water charges that would see students in halls of residence out of pocket.