Zero Hours Contracts
Reviewing zero hours and atypical contracts has been on the University’s agenda since summer 2013 and the SRC have been keeping the pressure on the University’s Human Resources by questioning these contracts and how the University’s is planning to resolve this at Court in 2013.

A motion regarding zero hours and atypical contracts was brought to Council in January 2014. At this meeting the SRC voted resolved:
- To campaign for the replacement, as soon as practically possible, of zero-hours and atypical contracts for staff that offer greater stability and financial security, unless staff choose to remain on zero-hours or atypical contracts.
- To mandate our representatives on Senate, University Court and any relevant committees to raise the issue, and where relevant vote in favour of their abolition.
- To work constructively with trade unions on campus to aid them in their efforts at negotiation on the issue.
Since this motion was passed, the SRC have had lengthy discussions with the Director of Human Resources and UCU to progress this issue, and the issue was raised at Senate by the SRC in the Principal’s Q&A.