Student Teaching Awards 2014/15 winners
We are very proud to announce the winners of #STA1415

The 5th Annual Student Teaching Awards are now done and over with for another year, and we are now very proud to announce the winners!
This year was a fantastic- the nominations you submitted made it the biggest STAs ever, so let’s take a little look at some of the headline figures:
But to the important stuff, here are the winners:
- Best Advisor of Studies: Suzanne McCallum
- Best Support Staff: Alison Bennett
- Best Teacher in MVLS: Mary Tatner
- Best Research Supervisor: Ashraf Ayoub
- Focus on Employability & Entrepreneurship: Gordon Curry
- Best Teacher in Social Sciences: Matt Dawson
- Best Postgraduate who Tutors: Gabriele Franchi De’Cavalieri
- Outstanding Contribution to Teaching: Raymond McCluskey
- Best Teaching in Arts: Stephen Burn
- Best Dissertation Supervisor: Andrea Knue
- Focus on International Opportunities: Ann Marie Rice
- Best Feedback: Victoria Price
- Best Class Representative: Sophie Louise Ravenscroft
- Best Teacher in Science & Engineering: Morag Casey
- Most Innovative Teaching: Graeme Pate
To watch the awards ceremony in full, see all the shortlist for all the awards and photos from the event, head on over to the Student Teaching Awards page.