SRC Sabb Blog #3 – VP Student Activities
Throughout the academic year, GUSRC sabbatical officers will provide an update on the work they’ve been carrying out to make your experience at the University of Glasgow even better. Our third blog comes from VP Student Activities, Pritasha Kariappa

Hellooo everyone! Happy New Year and welcome back from hibernation. The last few months have gone by super quickly, but here’s some of the work I’ve been doing last term and what I have upcoming for the future:
Freshers’ Week
This was probably one of the best but severely sleep deprived weeks of my year. We had a whole range of daytime and evening events which ran successfully! Organisation took a long time but it was really exciting when everything finally got put to action. Slightly scary when you go from a few students on campus to about 5000 in a day but was a great week with all the brilliant, enthusiastic helpers. Freshers’ Week proved to be a great success with all 4 student bodies working closely together to make sure that new students had a welcoming experience.
100 Santa Sacks Challenge
This was really exciting to be a part of! All 4 student bodies came together to take part in the 100 Santa Sacks Challenge collecting non-perishable items for the elderly to be delivered in time for the festive period. We competed against Glasgow Caledonian University (the challenge winners) and Strathclyde University. Although not victorious, it was such a great cause to be a part of and I’m glad we managed to make someone’s Christmas! Find out more about the challenge here
VCS Awards
This is one of the biggest projects I’ve been working on for the year! With nominations now open until the 26th January and the ceremony taking place in February, it’s really exciting to put together a celebratory event for all the hardworking volunteers, clubs and societies on campus! There are a whole range of awards, both for groups and individuals, to nominate in for the chance to win some money and recognition for all the hard work you’ve done so far. Shortlisted nominees and winners will also be invited to the awards ceremony which will be taking place on the 16th of February (where you’ll be showered with lots of free food and drink).
It’s incredibly rewarding to organise such a rewarding event and I’m so happy and proud to be part of a University with such amazing World Changers!
To find out more and to nominate, don’t forget to go to!
Raising and Giving (RAG)
The Raising and Giving Committee are a group of students dedicated to fundraising for various charities throughout the year. So far, we have already hosted a Christmas market, sold candy canes, hosted Paws Against Stress and taken part in the 100 Santa Sacks Challenge – all in all raising over £680! In 2018, we will be planning more fundraising events, including student mixers, quizzes, (alpacas – to be confirmed) on campus, RAG week as well as the BIG fundraising auction in collaboration with the GUU, QMU and GUSA in March.
We also have a Burns Night ceilidh which will be taking place in the University Chapel next Thursday 25th January at 7pm as part of SRC’s International Week so don’t forget to pop along for an evening filled with tablet, Irn-Bru and traditional Scottish dancing!
To find out more about RAG and how you can get involved, check out their Facebook page or join their volunteering group
If you’d like to find out more about any of the activities I’ve been involved in so far or keep up to date with any future items I have planned, you can contact me as follows:
Twitter: @gusrc_vpsa
I hope you have an incredible semester two and don’t forget to wear wellies in the horrid slush.