LGBT+ History Month 2017
There’s no better time to show pride in our history and culture than LGBT+ History Month, and here at the University of Glasgow, we are ready! From 1st to 28th February, all the student bodies and lots of societies on campus bring you a myriad of events to celebrate, remember and discuss our continued fight for liberation.

To start off, we’re gathering together at noon on 1st February to raise the rainbow flag at the South Front of the University. In the evening, GULGBTQ+ are continuing the party with a Base Bar takeover for the Launch Night at Glasgow University Union (GUU).
> 3rd February, 5.30pm: have your teams – and knowledge – ready for a very special edition of the Friday Union Quiz (FUQ) at Jim’s …Bar in Queen Margaret Union (QMU), organised in collaboration with GULGBTQ+!
> 6th February
At 5pm, Isabella Elder Feminist Society are screening ‘The Out List’, followed by a discussion, in Boyd Orr 506.
At 7pm, the SRC and SCM Glasgow Network welcome Dr Vicky Gunn from Glasgow School of Art to give a guest lecture: ‘Using Visual Culture to Counteract Straight Theological History: Imaging LGBTQ Christian history in all its intersectional glory’. It’s in Room 201, McIntyre Building.
> 7th February, 7pm: QMU invite you to a film night that is guaranteed to bring you both laughter and some tears – they’re screening Pride in Committee Room 2.
> 8th February, 7.30pm: GULGBTQ+ present an HIV info and awareness evening with a guest speaker from Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, followed by a screening of ‘We Were Here’.
> 11th February is that very special and exciting day when GUGBTQ+ bring you their annual Queerfest! With talks, workshops and arts & crafts from 12 til 4pm, followed by live music and poetry from 7.30pm onwards, all at QMU, this is one not to miss!
> 14th February
For a Valentine’s Day with some activist-y vibes, we’ve got you sorted! At 5pm in the Bridie Library in GUU, Glasgow University Amnesty International welcome you to their weekly meeting, this time focusing on intersex rights.
And at 7pm, the SRC Raising & Giving committee will be inviting you to their anti-Valentine’s film screening!
> 15th February is Palentine’s Day, and GULGBTQ+ celebrate with an aromantic event! Details to be announced shortly.
> 16th February will be a colourful and exciting night as GUU invites you to Mardi Gras!
> 18th February: ‘This House Regrets the Commercialisation of Pride’ – whatever your thoughts on this, you want to be there for this debate, brought to you by GULGBTQ+ and GUU Debating, at noon in the GUU Debates Chamber.
> 20th February sees the start of a week of events from the Glasgow Network of the Student Christian Movement. With evenings focusing specifically on trans Christianity, bisexuality, asexuality, queer Bible study and many more, this is definitely worth checking out. Details on SCM does LGBT History Month!
> 21st February, 7pm: whether you’re a literature student, general bookworm or just interested, you don’t want to miss the LGBT-themed student-led reading party with esteemed authors Zoe Strachan and Louise Welsh, brought to you by the SRC and taking place in the Gilchrist Postgraduate Club (not exclusive to postgraduates!).
> 22nd February
Another one for literature fans – the Creative Writing Society invite you along to the GUU Drawing Room at 6pm for a creative writing workshop, starting with discussion of some works by LGBT authors and texts depicting LGBT concerns, and followed by short story writing.
Alternatively, Rocky Horror Picture Show featuring Denton Deviants shadow cast will be heating things up in QMU’s Qudos, starting at 6.30pm.
> 24th February, 6pm: whether you’re a seasoned activist or looking to get involved, the wide array of activist societies on campus have loads to offer. Come along to the Activist Mixer in Jim’s Bar in QMU to meet the teams and learn more!
> 28th February
The month draws to an end, but we’re keeping it exciting! At 5.30pm, we welcome ‘playwright, performer, transwoman, father & grandma’ Jo Clifford for a talk and reading with Q&A in Room 101 of 5 University Gardens.
At 7pm, Sexpression Glasgow will be running a workshop on ‘Making sex ed queer’, in Adam Smith 1115!
Counselling & Psychological Services are also giving a workshop on LGBTQ+ Mental Health, details tbc.
GUSA are putting on free weekly gym inductions specifically for the LGBT+ community at our University. GUSA Health & Fitness convenor Paddy will be taking the half-hour sessions, which give a thorough overview of the Stevenson Building facilities and how best to use the gym equipment. Details on how to sign up will be announced soon!
Funds raised throughout the month will be donated to the Scottish Transgender Alliance and LGBT Health and Wellbeing!