UofG Rectorial Elections 2021
The UofG Rectorial Elections 2021 will be held on April 20th and 21st. SRC President Liam Brady explains.

Hello University of Glasgow,
Every 3 years, University of Glasgow students are given the opportunity to elect a Rector. We are one of only 5 Universities in Scotland to have this position. With the next Rector elections coming up this April, I want to tell you a bit about what the role of Rector is and how you can nominate and vote for candidates.
What does the Rector do?
The Rector is expected to work closely with the SRC and attend meetings of Court, the governing body of the University, and bring student concerns to the attention of University managers.
Who is the Rector?
The Rector must not be a registered student or a member of UofG staff, they are independent and bring an external perspective. They should take an interest in the views of the student body, and be willing to champion their causes.
When are the elections and how can I participate?
After being postponed in March 2020 due to COVID-19, polling for the Rectorial Elections will now take place on April 20th and 21st. Nominations have also reopened until Wednesday 31st March at 12pm. All of the candidates previously nominated are still entitled to run should they wish.
All of the information you need regarding the elections, including:
- how to nominate new candidates,
- where to view the existing candidate manifestos,
- when Hustings will take place,
- and how to vote on April 20th and 21st
can be found on the University’s website at: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/students/uofgrector/
Best wishes
Liam Brady
GUSRC President 20/21