Recruiting Postgraduate Ambassadors
We are recruiting PG Ambassadors to promote and publicise events during “Welcome Fortnight” – two weeks’ worth of social and interactive events aimed at postgraduates to welcome them to the University of Glasgow.

With each academic year comes a new group of incoming post graduates students, both taught and research based students that are new to the Glasgow scene. The SRC and the Gilchrist Postgraduate Club have been busy putting together a wide range of activities for these new students to enjoy as they settle in to their new accommodation, new course and for some. new city.
We have 2 jam packed weeks of events on offer including quiz nights, whisky tastings and information stalls running in The Gilchrist and we are looking for some friendly, enthusiastic postgraduate students to help us out in setting up and running the events, promoting events and helping our new students integrate by taking part in the events and answering any questions they may have.
If you are interested in becoming a Post Graduate Ambassador or just want to find out more information then please head on over to The Gilchrist website:
Becoming a PG Ambassador is a great opportunity to get involved with the SRC and The Gilchrist and you get to meet lots of new friends in the process.
We look forward to hearing from you.