Introducing your SRC Executive for 2018/19
The officers YOU elected start today. Find out more about them here.

The first Monday in July sees a new executive come to the SRC and today we welcome them into their posts!
SRC President – Lauren McDougall
Lauren returns to the SRC after being your VP Student Supportlast year
Twitter: @GUSRC_President
VP Education – Emma Hardy
Emma is one of our new sabbatical officers who served on Council last year as the School of Humanities Representative.
Twitter: @GUSRC_VPED
VP Student Support – Fatemeh Nokhbatolfoghahai
Another brand new sabbatical officer, Fatemeh was also on last year’s council as the Mental Health Equality Officer.
Twitter: @GUSRC_VPSS
VP Student Activities – Scott Kirby
The third new sabbatical officer, Scott was also on last year’s council as the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences Representative.
Twitter: @GUSRC_VPSA
They are very excited for the year ahead and can’t wait to work together for all students at UofG.
To find out what they are up to be sure to follow them on Twitter or if you want to get in touch, drop an email.