Freshers’ and Postgraduate Helper Applications Now Open!
In preparation for the biggest weeks on campus, we need undergraduate and postgraduate students to help

We are pleased to announce that Freshers’ and Postgraduate Helper applications are now open!
Help us run events, meet new friends and gain new skills by volunteering for the following roles:
Freshers’ Helper
To be a SRC Freshers’ Helper, you must be available from 4th-15th of September in order to be considered. In the first week, you will be required to undergo pre-week training and the second week will be to help out at events.
Within our team of fantastic Freshers’ Helpers, we are also recruiting for Freshers’ Helpers for our Meet and Greet team too. Members of this team will have a slightly different daytime helping timetable, focused on making Freshers’ Week as inclusive as possible so that ‘non-traditional’ students (such as mature students, students with disabilities, carers, parents etc) have the chance to take full advantage of all the opportunities Freshers’ Week presents. If you’re interested in joining this helper team, please apply to be a Freshers’ Helper using this form and make sure you fill out the Meet and Greet form in section 4.
Because we are keen to encourage helpers from these non-traditional groups to apply for the Meet and Greet team, we’re happy for M&G helpers to help part-time to work around medical, family or similar commitments.
Postgraduate Helper
We are looking for help with two roles that you can volunteer to be part of both or just the one – Postgraduate Fortnight Helpers and Postgraduate Research Week Helper.
For Postgraduate Fortnight you must be free from the 10th-23rd September and for Postgraduate Research Week you must be free from the 1st-7th October.
Applications will close on June 15th at 5pm so make sure you fill in the forms before then. Any questions please email Pritasha Kariappa, VP Student Activities, on
Good luck! 😀