Chinese New Year Festival
Come join us for Chinese New Year at The Gilchrist PG Club!

Come and join us for a fun, free, educational event on Thursday 26th February at The Gilchrist Postgraduate Club. Doors open from 5.30pm and there is now NO charge for taking part.
From 6 -7.15pm you can take part in workshops to learn about your Chinese Animal, discover the history and origin of the Tea Ceremony and have your first name written in Chinese. We will have traditional musical instruments to listen to, and the chance to watch the Tea Ceremony being performed live, with Chinese tea and fortune cookies on offer.
This event is being co delivered by The Gilchrist PG Club, the SRC, volunteers from the “Culture Club” and members of the Glasgow University Chinese Society as well as members from the Chinese Students and Scholars Association.
Anyone who bought a ticket can get a refund by coming to the Welcome Point. Please bring your ticket with you as proof.