School of Physics and Astronomy Representative
Spring Elections 2020

Holly Hourston
Hey, I’m Holly Hourston, and I’m a 3rd year Physics and Astronomy student. I want to be your School of Physics and Astronomy Representative for 2020/21, and to help bring about the positive changes you want to see!
I was Astronomy 2 Class Rep in 2018/19, and so understand how student-staff meetings work, and the importance of the SRC/Class Reps in making change happen. My experience as Class Rep has proven that I can tackle issues within the School/courses professionally. I am also Science Convener for the Women in STEM Society. I will vouch to make myself known to students and remain approachable- I am here for any issues you have (from personal to programming)!
If I am elected, I will:
- Ensure I represent students across all years, by working towards becoming a source of student-to-student advice.
Use networks in the Careers Service, WiSTEM, and STEM Ambassadors UK to collaborate with PhysSoc and AstroSoc to provide more academic/volunteering/CV-boosting opportunities for you all.
Regularly contact students- particularly Class Reps; organising regular meetings.
Relay impartial, unbiased information to the SRC.
Ensure clear, accessible communication of information between the SRC, Class Reps and students.
Thank you for reading!
Jamie McKay
Hi, my name is Jamie McKay and I’m currently a third-year Physics and Astronomy student and I am running to be your School of Physics and Astronomy representative. Previously being a Freshers’ Helper and SRC Ambassador has given me great insight into the workings of the SRC and encouraged me to want to take on more responsibility representing my peers and making positive changes within the school.
If elected I would like to:
- Encourage the school to adopt the peer support system, allowing for students to address their issues before further intervention is required.
- Persuade lecturers throughout the school to use lecture recording as an additional resource to help aid revision. Many Physics and Astronomy concept require more than one attempt to understand so the opportunity to rewatch lectures would be advantageous to students.
- Help maintain and improve python support for students by ensuring enough demonstrators have the skills required to confidently deal with programming issues in both Physics and Astronomy labs.
With this opportunity I not only hope to improve the academic experience for current students, but for future students also.