School of Computing Science Representative
Spring Elections 2020

Zoltan Kiss
Hi, I’m Zoltan and I’m a first-year computing science class rep. I’ve also done 3 years of physics at a different university. Both here and there I’ve experienced how much of a difference good representation can make in improving a university. Even if it sometimes means months of arguing for a microwave.
Currently, the university is drafting its strategy for the next five years. I want to make sure the resulting changes happen in a way that is best for us students and the School. I also wish to see the benefits applied to current students, not just upcoming ones. Of course, this is vague right now, but I do have a couple other concrete things I’d like to get done, including:
- Making sure every course Moodle page has a discussion forum. YACRS and Slido work, but they don’t allow for dialogue and input from other students.
- Setting up a CS Linux cluster. This was brought up in an SSLC meeting and may already be in motion.
- Ensuring a good flow of information between the SRC, the University, the School and students.
Most importantly, I want to represent your views and interests, and will always be open to hearing them.
Scott Wilson
My name is Scott Wilson and I’m a fourth year Computing Science student. I’ve been working with the School for a couple of years now, both as a class representative and more recently as a lab demonstrator.
If you choose to elect me as School Representative for 2020/21, I’ll immediately work to achieve the following realistic and achievable goals for improving quality of life for CS students on campus, especially coming up to exam time:
- Placement of water coolers in the Boyd Orr common room and QMU study space – at present, people need to choose between walking to other buildings or filling from bathroom taps which obviously isn’t ideal.
- A better supply of writing implements e.g. whiteboard pens and erasers across all study spaces, combined with a policy to prevent them from constantly ‘disappearing’.
- A review and refresh of the equipment in the common room so that people have better access to hot water and refrigeration whilst avoiding ‘milk in the kettle’ situations.
Additionally, I’ll investigate the viability of and advocate for ideas such as the addition of graphics and GPU programming to the curriculum as an elective course.
Thanks for reading!