Raising and Giving: what can you do for it?
My past few blog entries have referred to my early experiences on campus, so let me tell you another story!

When I was a first year general rep, I got an invitation to come and help out with RAG. ‘RAG?’, I asked, ‘What is that?’ – I had not heard about this big tradition before! When I was told how big these Raising and Giving activities were on campus, I was very impressed, especially with the amount of creativity and enthusiasm put in by everyone involved. The only problem I noticed over the years was that I wasn’t the only one who did not know what RAG actually was. I felt like I just dropped into all these fabulous activities.
Therefore, it was decided that introducing RAG activities was the best way of making people aware of the name and offering a chance to get involved earlier in the year. You might have seen the picture below on our social media, which captures some of the RAG activities from years ago – alongside the picture there was an invitation for you to get involved in RAG committee. The invitation is still open, so feel free to drop me an email at vp-activities@src.gla.ac.uk!
Some of you were asking what being involved in the committee actually means and how much time you would have to spare. As it is with every activity, there would be some planning and preparation involved, and the tasks would be delegated to the members of the committee. You could be working on one project, you could be working on a couple – it depends on how enthusiastic you are about it. I see RAG being part of various activities on campus, whether it would be a football tournament or a game evening where the top prize is donated for charities.
Charities that we would be fundraising for are decided by the students: many charities already were in touch with me regarding their candidacy, but I would welcome some more charities to email me with a paragraph about themselves which would be included on the voting page. However, we need to have a RAG Committee first, so you know what do to!
RAG week will take place 23rd-27th of March, but even for upcoming couple of months there are a few fundraising opportunities planned: Show Racism the Red Card event on the 26th of October which will invite you to the football tournament on the 16th of November, Pink Wednesday on the 29th of October to raise awareness about breast cancer, and it’s not long until the Movember starts (join the team here http://uk.movember.com/mospace/network/universityofglasgow). Moreover, cross-campus teams will be joining in the poppy raid on the 1st of November. There will be plenty more, so please get involved!
And at the top of the page is a bonus picture for you from my first year doing RAG activities in 2011!