I am no longer lonely now
Summer was lovely, but it was very long…

Since Freshers’ Week it’s been so, so nice to see so many of your wonderful faces out and about on Campus! It has given me more work- do not get me wrong- but I suppose that kind of is my job!
Now the academic year has properly begun, it’s great to be getting stuck into some of the things I really want to get done for all of us this year!
Through the summer I worked with the University to improve some of the documentation and promotion of class reps (#iloveclassreps). So it was quite nice to get a partial tick next to one of my manifesto aims, as there is still more that can be done! There was also a consultation on student voice (lots of free pizza… there will be more chances if you missed it). It’s been great to hear what some of you guys think of some of the changes so far, and to those of you that want a slightly different shade of purple- apologies, it was that or grey (Taupe to be precise).
I have been working more recently on trying to ensure all you beautiful people studying at the Dumfries campus get proper representation on the SRC Council (which is now getting live tweeted… just wow). I have also been trying to look at some innovative ways of receiving feedback on assessments… watch this space… or listen, that might be more apt.
Typing the word apt reminded me of the work app, which leads me on to the Students’ Technology Show and Tell I am trying to organise along with a member of staff from the University. It’s going to hopefully be a mini conference to highlight all of the education and technological tools students (and some staff) are using to really enhance our learning experience. On the topic of events, the STA planning is well underway, if you are a returning student then be warned, the Owl is coming back.
The exec is so keen to chat to as many of you as possible, so if you see us out and about PLEASE COME AND CHAT! We may also try and tell all of you where we are occasionally, make an event of it!
There is so much more going on- that’s probably not even the half of it- but in essence I am no longer lonely, and this makes me happy! Thank you!