Go and do it: SRC Elections
See what our VP Student Activities has to say about her experience, and take part yourself, support your friends, or spare a couple of minutes on the election day and vote for people that decided to become your representatives.

It might a little bit confusing and new, but it’s all part of your experience here at the University of Glasgow. Yes, I am talking about the elections – that one day in autumn when our library hill becomes full of cheerful voices, full of hands handing out flyers and LOADS of sweeties.
I remember my first year: it was a windy and rainy day of the Freshers’ Week, and I was talking a campus tour led by the SRC helpers. This idea of running in the elections was already sitting in my head, and I was looking for encouragement – and guess what? I got the encouragement I was looking for, advice, and a list of reasons why it was good to get involved in the SRC.
And these people did not lie to me. Our paths crossed so many times afterward (the person I was speaking to later became one of the Presidents of the SRC!), and I am still grateful for this experience. When I decided to run, speaking in front of 50 people at the hustings (needless to say, that was the first time I had to do something like that in a foreign language!) looked like a big mountain that I wasn’t sure I would be able to climb. However, it’s a challenge worth taking. Don’t worry if you do not stay at halls (if you consider running for a first year rep as I did), don’t worry if you don’t know many of your coursemates: people are very supportive, because it takes some courage to put your name out there and everyone understands it. But it is very rewarding. Even on the day of elections, you get to meet so many people, no matter if you arrived here only few weeks or few years ago. Go and do it, you won’t regret it. I never did.
Now, 4 years later, I cannot wait to see the faces of people that think about joining the SRC. Last year sitting on the council was a lot of fun, and this year we will try to make it even more fun that that! Find more information and the positions available here: SRC Autumn 2014 Elections. Cal, our VP Education, also was a first year rep back in the day, and I am pretty sure that neither of us regret getting involved from the very first days in Glasgow.
If you feel that Autumn elections are not for you and you’d rather see what council is up to, we will have plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in. For instance, I will be looking for people to join RAG committee! Follow us on social media to keep up to date.
Hope to see you at the hustings – either running in the elections (highly encouraged) or supporting your friends (highly encouraged)!