Welfare Week
Every November the SRC organises lots of activities to help you get through exams and essays.

Exams are tough on any student so for one week in November we run Welfare Week — a week-long programme of events to give you exam tips, relieve stress or even provide you with an excuse for a wee bit of procrastination. Tell everyone how you’re coping with exams and essays via #StressReLeaf.
Throughout the week
Stress Packs
At both Gilmorehill and Garscube campus throughout the week we will be handing out stress-packs, so keep an eye out for those.
We want to hear about how you relax and de-stress when uni life gets a bit much and how you keep both body and mind healthy throughout the year so tweet using #StressReLeaf to share your ideas and we will add them to our Health and Wellbeing tree in the garden outside the Fraser Building.
It operates from 7pm – 7am every night during term time. If you are looking for a listening ear or have forgotten the venue of your 9am exam, Nightline can help. You can contact them on 0141 334 9516 or at www.gunightline.org.
Bake Sale
There will be a Bake Sale outside the Library with the proceeds going to Capability Scotland, so come and pick up a tasty treat during this grim November weather. Donations accepted or simply let us know what you do to de-stress using #StressReLeaf.
Mindfulness Monday 11 – 12.30pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
Join us for a fun and participative introduction to how you can benefit from cultivating some mindfulness in your day to day life, using a range of techniques and methods. Mindfulness is an ancient practice that has very modern applications in helping people deal with stress and anxiety. Can’t wait ’til Monday? Here is a short mindfulness based meditation to help you over the weekend www.pixelthoughts.co.
GULGBTQ+ drop in 12 – 2pm Committee Room 1, Queen Margaret Union
Come meet the society and the Sexual Orientation Equality Officer, Iain French.
Yoga 2 – 3pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert, come along for an hour and boost your physical and mental wellbeing.
Yoga, meditation and vegan food with KC Soc 6.30 – 9.00pm Room 201 John McIntyre Building
Life at university can be demanding and stressful. Glasgow University KC Soc, the award winner of ‘Awesome Network 2015‘ from Inclusive Networks, is offering a wonderful opportunity to learn to Relax, De-stress & Unwind. Scientific research shows that regular yoga & meditation sessions help to cope with stress, anxiety, promote mental well-being and foster more positive relationships, so along and find out what it’s all about! The event will include yoga & meditation with their own meditation band GUMBA.
Lunch with student carers 12 – 2pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
Are you a student with caring responsibilities? If so please do drop by for lunch and the chance to meet other students who are carers. The hope is to establish and grow a student carers network throughout the year so that student carers can engage with and speak to other carers in a friendly and informal environment.
Hand massage workshop 1 – 2.30pm Seminar Room, Gilchrist Postgraduate Club
Join us for an interactive hand massage workshop and soothe your worries away. Please be aware that a massage oil will be used which contains nut derived ingredients, and essential oils of Geranium and Orange, though we will also have a hypoallergenic hand lotion available too. You will learn to give and receive a massage that you can then use for friends and family. Places are strictly limited to a maximum of 20, on a first come basis so email Una Marie Darragh on vp-support@src.gla.ac.uk to confirm a place.
Mature Students Association Lunchtime drop in 1pm – 3pm 64 Oakfield Avenue
Come meet some fellow mature students and your Age Equality Officer, Elliot Napier.
Knit away your stress 11am – 12pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
Come along and join us in a knitting session, we will have wool and needles, so don’t worry if you’re a novice knitter, and just want to learn a little! Or maybe you’re a pro and in the middle of knitting a festive jumper. Everyone is welcome.
De-stress not distress 2 – 3pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
The Counselling and Psychological Services will be running a workshop to help you deal with stress in the run up to exam times.
Yoga 11am – 12pm AHTC Lecture Theatre, Garscube Campus (next to the Weipers Equine Hospital)
It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert, come along for an hour and boost your physical and mental wellbeing.
Muay Thai 11am – 12pm Qudos, Queen Margaret Union
Hitting things is a well-known stress reliever. Come round to the QMU and let the GU Muay Thai team take the hit for you.
De-stress not distress 2 – 3pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
The Counselling and Psychological Services will be running a workshop to help you deal with stress in the run up to exam times.
Workshop on healthy relationships with Rape Crisis 3.30 – 4.30pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
GUMW & IEFS Talk with Rape Crisis Scotland #isnotanexcuse 5pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
A representative from Rape Crisis Scotland is coming in to give a talk on victim blaming and what support there is out there for victims of sexual violence. Join the event on Facebook.
Launch Event for the Disabled Student Network 10am – 12pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
We are about to launch an online Moodle discussion page for students with disabilities. Our Disability Equality Officer Lauren McDougall will also be there if there are any issues or concerns you’d like to raise with her. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits. Come along and find out more about the DSN.
Workshop on Healthy Relationships 1 – 3pm Allander Room, First Floor, McCall Building, Garscube Campus
This is a workshop that deals with defining your relationships on your own terms. The room capacity is 20, so your space needs to be booked. They will be allocated on a first come first serve basis so please email Una Marie Darragh at vp-support@src.gla.ac.uk to confirm your spot.
Paws for Stress 1 – 3pm Williams Room, John McIntyre Building
Unfortunately the tickets have all sold out, but don’t fret; the dogs will be re-appearing in December, so watch this space!
Welfare Week Walk in Milngavie 11am meet at Esso on Maryhill Road (next to Murano)
The Great Days Out Society will be taking you on a trip to the lovely Mugdock Country Park. Find them next to the Esso Garage on Maryhill Road in their orange hoodies. From there they will guide you on a relaxing and scenic walk. Healthy body, healthy mind!
Disco litter pick 3.30pm Outside the GUU
We’ll be cleaning up the neighbourhood to a bangin’ soundtrack. Look out for the high-vis!