VCS Award Categories 2017

Volunteer of the Year (nominated by SVSS partner organisations)
(Nominated by SVSS partner organisations) This award is nominated by SVSS partner charities and will recognise students who have shown commitment, enthusiasm and dedication in their volunteering activities over the last year. This award is nominated by our partner organisations and is not open to general nominations. To nominate please contact the partner organisations lead.

Most Dedicated Member Award (open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only)
(Open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only) Perhaps your President is a visionary, who tirelessly works for the good of your club/society, establishing networks and links during every waking moment. Perhaps an ordinary member of your club/society has shown themselves to be particularly dedicated to your cause. Perhaps somebody you know is volunteering for […]

Glasgow World Changer-Community Engagement Award (open to any registered student)
(Open to any registered student) This award is for any individual student’s, group of students, SRC Affiliated Club/Society who can demonstrate partnership working with local community groups in the Glasgow area. This work should be done to challenge deprivation or inequality, and to build positive partnerships between the University and the local community. Nomination form

Club or Society Showcase Award (open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only)
(Open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only) This award is for the club or society which has worked consistently to put on interesting, creative and popular events and activities during the year. Nomination form

Fundraising Award (open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only)
(Open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only) This award is made to any affiliated club or society or individual member which has led successful fundraising activities during the year. Generally awarded to a club or society who have led a successful fundraiser or who have participated in raising and giving activities over the year, […]

Exceptional Campaign Award (open to any registered student)
(Open to any registered student) This award will be given to recognise the work carried out by an individual, group of individuals or Club/Society in running campaigning work designed to raise awareness, challenge inequality or promote diversity on campus. Nomination form

New Club/Society Award (Open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only)
(Open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only) Is your club or society new this year? We want to hear how your first year has gone: what kind of activities and events you have put on, how you have successfully engaged new members, and any other ways in which your first year as a society […]

Innovative Activity Award (open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only)
(Open to SRC affiliated clubs and societies only) Has your club or society come up with a new and exciting event? Or found an inventive way to publicise or fundraise for your society? Is your club or society an innovation in itself? We want to hear about what innovative ideas your club or society has […]